The quest to silence

''Sure, let's go'' Scarlet put the papers she was working on aside and stood up.

''G, stay with Kylie and her mother. I will be outside. If this is the person I am thinking of, then he isn't after the girl he kidnaped but someone from Rosa's family''

''You mean the man kidnapped Kylie's friend to get to her?'' Genius asked and turned to look at Kylie.

''Hmm. Lukham, he is an aid of Blind and does a lot of her jobs for him. Right now she might not have a lot of options, so she might want to blackmail Rosa using her family'' Carlos explained.

''We will be back soon'' Black took Scarlet's hand and they went out.

''Who is Blind? I've been hearing her name a lot lately?'' Kylie asked and Genius turned to her.

''Go back to sleep''

''What?'' she was about to retort when her phone starting ringing. When she saw the caller ID, she got scared and showed it to Carlos, ''brother in law, this is Diane's phone number''