Uncertainty, doubt and love, the indivisible triptych of fear, failure and destruction. Omnipresent and all powerful, it was there making its existence strongly felt. The mother of all evils, the mother of all errors and the mother of all crimes, reminding them both that fate had, perhaps once again, played them a dirty game. A game they were too familiar with already, a game they had lost too many times before, a game predesigned to be lost by anyone playing it.
And yet they resisted and yet they believed and yet they chose not to think and yet the result remained the same...a defeat, in the end. There they were together, travelling at the speed of light, marching swiftly towards separation. Both of them refusing to accept it but finally accepting it. Both of them holding hands whilst already separated in their minds. Both of them enjoying the moment, trying to make it last forever whilst knowing there was never going to be any more. They just sat there, next to one another. Then again, there was a small last-minute surprise which always helps rekindle things. As they both wanted to believe it did, they both pretended that small surprise would make a difference. Like it is often the case, a positive element always has a miraculous overpowering capability of erasing a thousand negatives and this is what happened in this case too. Pretending nonetheless, soon started taking its toll as neither of them was intellectually challenged. They were also certainly not willing to lie to themselves, regardless of how much they wanted things to work out between them.
In the middle of the day, surrounded by blinding light, they parted ways and said their goodbyes and exchanged smiles. Their feelings now clearly different from the ones they previously held. Still, quite remarkably, their minds continued to be synchronized. Both of them overwhelmed by a deluge of sentiments, a mixed bag of memories and a long sequence of thoughts without a clear view for what lay ahead. The moment they parted, everything changed. Plans for the future were already forming but this time around they were different, it was the first time since they met that they had begun to drift away from each other. They were completely unable to comprehend this at the time and as their eyes met for the last time, hope was clearly visible, along with a limited amount of joy. A joy, which was about to be transformed into something undoubtedly less pleasant. Turned into the only thing, in fact, capable of destroying joy...reason.