Electrons are funny things. They make everyone laugh with what seems to the untrained eye, like a truly unpredictable nature. Thanks mainly to the nature of electrons, the link between the boat and the moon became stronger and stronger. They set aside the difficulties, the unpleasant elements, the inconvenience, the time difference created by their different planetary trajectories and kept at it, continuing regardless, feeling extremely close to each other. A vast number of endless and frankly incredible coincidences did nothing but increase their feelings for one another. Fate, was once again meddling with them and was now actively involved in their lives on a daily and hourly basis.
Sure, there was a need for a renewed effort to be made in order for them to be together, but they had done this before. The direct result of their ongoing efforts was that they failed miserably to understand that both were suddenly, once again, suspended in open space. They had made the risky jump in the air, their hands stretched as far ahead as they could and were now waiting until the moment their fingers finally touched, their bodies coming closer once more, without worrying how or where they would they land once they were in each other's arms. It did not matter and they were right not to worry. Gravity was never, after all, an issue in open space.
In the end and in a manner neither of them had quite understood, the experience started to become both risky and tiresome. Slowly they grew more distant to one another, more than they cared to admit. Outside influences had started having a serious impact on their behavior and what was worse, outside elements begun having an impact on their quality of communication as well. Hourly, daily and weekly, outside influences crept into theirs affairs. Both had now entered very different worlds, very different thoughts and plans. Still, they both continued to talk about a common future in exactly the same way as before. The similarities in their way of thinking continued thankfully to be as remarkable as ever, at least. Unfortunately they also started taking each other for granted.
Thanks once again to the nature of electrons, any new difficulties which presented themselves were rapidly bridged and thanks to their strong feelings and desire, any misunderstandings were quickly forgotten or, at the very least, were rapidly brushed aside. Cracks on the boat's hull nonetheless were beginning to form and scars started to appear. He was starting to have problems staying afloat. Riddles on the moon's face started making an appearance and it took a lot of effort and chemical processes for her to correct this. It was perhaps a critical point for her, as she began processing information instead of just accepting it. Things looked great on the outside but of course, in reality, were dangerously fragile.