
Trenton Epperson was a loyal caring man who did his best to take care of his mother who was slowly losing her mind due to Alzheimer's. He volunteered at the hospital she stayed, helping those who needed it while he kept an eye on his mother.

His Mother and Father gave birth to Trenton quite late in life due to the difficulties of pregnancy. He was often teased as being their miracle child which magnified much to his dismay when he was found to be a wizard.

At a young age, he took to studies well and enjoyed reading more than anything else, that is until he learned he was a wizard. He was a muggle-born wizard, his parents being extremely surprised to learn about magic and what their son could do.

His dad traveled a lot and often took the family with him so he learned much about overseas magic as well as his own country's. He soon realized that his home was filled with those who hated muggle-born wizards compared to the outside who while still filled with those who looked down on them, it wasn't outright discrimination.

He made plans to attend schooling abroad rather than stay in a hateful place, which turned out to be the best decision as news leaks that he received about home told of the boy who lived and all his problems as well as one of his friends a muggle-born who was often called mudblood, a derogatory comment for those who were muggle-born.

Due to his studies and reading habits, he soon became quite proficient in magic. During this time his father didn't stop traveling and one day a disaster happened as his plane crashed. His mother was devastated and wished to return home to where most of her fondest memories of him where.

Trenton decided to graduate early having more than enough knowledge and ability so he could follow her back. This created a stir due to his young age in the magical community, but nothing too big because he wasn't the only one to have done this before, though still rare. What stood out the most was he was a muggle-born which caused a number of conversations to be raised.

Arriving back home he could feel the gloomy atmosphere as magical Britain's inner turmoil grew. Not wishing to give up on his dreams to travel as his father once did, he kept up with his studies and practice as he took care of his mother who was taking the loss of her husband hard.

The following year he noticed her improvement as she seemed to get better so he took the opportunity to secretly travel, though he made sure his mother never knew in case she relapsed and worried for him like his father.

He soon came clean though and offered for her to join him as he went out, at first she was against it and very angry, but through much coaxing and explaining how magical transportation is much safer and easier she relented but was still against going herself wishing to stay home where she felt closer to her husband who passed.

During the war with Voldemort, he was trapped outside the country at the time when it went into magical lockdown, no magical transport of any kind was allowed into or out of Britain.

He didn't even realize the gravity of the problem due to the lack of communication until it was full-blown and news started leaking from those who escaped.

Fearing for his mother who stayed behind because she didn't want to leave her homeland, he rushed back by different forms of magic and even muggle transport from Fiji, needless to say, he didn't make it till it was just about over and ended up seeing very little combat.

His mother was fine, however, he found that she was slowly losing her marbles as she kept rambling about the past as if it was the present, it was Alzheimer's. He made arrangements to take care of her and spend as much time with her as he could.

She was a muggle and didn't have the magical defense to fight the ailment. He did try to find magical healers that could help, but the few who were willing found that there was no easy cure because of her older age. Short of coming up with the cure of immortality, she was doomed to slowly forget as she came to the end.

Years later Trenton met Hermonie Granger who was checked in after she was rescued from her abusive husband Ron who had been torturing her. First starting due to random alcohol-induced paranoia and jealousy, before evolving into never-ending torture, drunk or not, due to the control he was able to have over her and the feeling of power it gave him.

Trenton who was a big fan of Hermonie after reading her very detailed books about the events of her life and that of her friends was infuriated when he found out what one of the ones she trusted and married did to her.

He ended up being part of the therapy of her recovery as she needed a male who wasn't an abusive drunk to help ease her back into realizing that not everyone was like Ron.

He met Harry who came and was equally mad and sad about what happened though Trenton didn't miss the fact that he wasn't surprised which angered him to no end that she didn't even receive protection from the only other friend she had.

After spending more time with Hermonie he learned far more about them as he discovered the only flaw in her book was those about Ron. He found that she was very much into redheads which blinded her to the faults of the one she wanted.

This was not limited to her as Harry was also very much into redheads as he was always conflicted about getting with Ginny because she was Ron's sister as he tried other avenues to no avail. This attachment likely stemmed from the love Mrs. Weasley dotted him with which he so desperately craved.

This started to make sense as he wondered why she wouldn't then choose Harry, but it seems they became friends because of their common interest such as their love of redheads. So they both gravitated towards the only redheads that were nearby.

This ultimately leads to her downfall though as she became emotionally attached to the redheaded bastard Ron who just happened to be around during her tough times. This is why she allowed the abuse to continue even though she should have been stronger than that. Because her parents no longer had their memories, Ron was the last familiar thing she had in her life that she didn't want to lose since Harry had his own family.

After being rescued she was terrified of all redheads and would not accept the other Weasley's visits who wished to apologize for what Ron did and secretly get her to drop the charges so he would be released.

Trenton who was falling for her made sure she got her wish as he prevented them from seeing her and even fought a couple of duels with Mrs. Weasley who couldn't hold her anger back at not being able to see her and get Ron free.

The Weasle's quickly learned he was not someone they should mess with as he easily dispatched Molly who happened to be quite skilled at dueling.

It was a shame that no matter what he did, Hermonine was now completely unavailable, devoid of any lasting romantic feelings though she did warm up enough to call him a friend. She found his brown hair and hazel eyes much more soothing then she cared to admit.