Ten years old as we celebrated our triplets' birthday. Family and few close friends were invited. It was not that big event just a small family gathering.

It really time flies in a blink of our eyes. Works were keeping us busy but it does not mean we lost our tracks with our children. We always make it to the point we still have time for them.

Seeing them enjoying with their friends and cousins in the pool. My life will always be perfect in my own way. Callie was busy with chit chatting with the girls group. I am with the boys group.

Callie's phone rang. I stood up away from my group. Walking towards her and handed it.

I heard her answered it. "Hello!" Walking away from the people.

I was about to walk back when she called me. Walking closer to her as I see her face turned pale.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. She already cut the other line.

"My assistant told me." She paused to take a deep breath. "S-someone came at the studio." Her voice was cracking. I hold her hands to calm her a little. "H-he wants to talk about Kent."

Even myself stop my world hearing what just Callie said. Her eyes began to teary. Unexpected call that will make our lives in a different way. This is the worst moment in our lives that I hate the most.

Kent is our eldest one that light up our lives. I thought that no one will take him away from us. I was planning to adopt him totally. But now, it is different.

"Ssshh... Don't cry baby. We should figure it out first." Assuring Callie for the moment. I do not want my children to see her like this. "When did you set for a meeting?"

She cleared her throat. "Tomorrow morning at 9."

"Okay, we will meet him and see where it goes." She nodded.

That night, Callie could not sleep properly. It was hard for me too but hardest to her. She was the one who saw Kent first and love him immediately like her own son.

Waking up like we used to be. Acted normal in front of the kids. School hasn't start yet. They stayed at home or going to their mother's studio.

We were in our own house. Well, it was a gift from my parents after married. We started living here when the kids started schooling. It's still subdivision too that Daddy Colton developed in NY just the same in our hometown. The penthouse is still ours.

We decided to bring the kids to the penthouse. It is easier for them to visit Callie.

We let the nannies accompanied the kids to the Penthouse. While we will settle other adult matters.

I saw them getting inside the elevator, waving us goodbye. We waved back until the elevator door close.

We walked to Condo 3 entrance where Cal's studio located. It was only 8:30 but the other party already arrived. Both of us stood there froze.

There were two gentlemen sitting at the receiving area. I know the other guy, not personally. I saw him in some business magazine.

"Ms. Callie, those two gentlemen are for 9 o'clock meeting." Her assistant Annie told her. She nodded.

"Thank you, Annie." She said, composing herself as we walked towards them.

"Hi!" She greeted. "Let's go to my office." They stood up and followed her. I was behind them.

After Annie served us tea. Callie sat down facing them. I do not know if Callie aware the other man.

"Well, gentlemen! I am Skylar Ross and that is my husband Eian Ross." Introducing herself then me. "What can I do for you that you told my assistant about my eldest son?" She asked calmly.

"I am Atty. Edward Caine and this is my client Mr. Henry Kent Pattinson." He introduced themselves.

Atty. Caine is one of the best lawyers in NY. Same age as my dad. I saw him once in Callie's grandfather's company.

"Oh! What can we do for this meeting, Atty. Caine?" Callie asked politely.

"Helping this gentleman beside me with something about your eldest son. Do not get this wrong, my child. Your grandfather, even your father and I were good friends. We just want to ask something to clarify." Callie nodded. "Mr. Henry came here in our country for some confusing situation. He saw some magazine that you photographed not long ago. That was the feature of your children. He caught his eyes to your eldest." He added.

That was the latest magazine my sister's company that Callie work for it. It was their anniversary special issue for the month. That was their second time wearing uniforms. The first one was five years ago. That my mom saw it accidentally. Then my sister told us to do it again after five years.

"My client here is asking you both if your eldest son is your real son." Atty. Cain explained. Mr. Henry was just listening and I am too. We both did not interrupt their conversations.

Callie did not answer right away. I know how she feels. She stayed quite to calm herself then looked at me. Her eyes were telling me that I will be the one to handle it.

"Well, our eldest son is not our real son but we treat him like our own. We just wonder why Mr. Henry asked regarding our son." I asked.

I know that in his physical feature, Kent is a little version of him. The way he carries himself. He is not just an ordinary person.

"I know this is sound confusing. But I met this woman Karen when I was in my 20's staying here in NY. A friend of mine had a condo unit in Condo 1. I stayed there for 6 months. Karen was my cleaner and we felt for each other." He told us. "It was just a short romance for me because I was not ready to settle down yet. My life was not here. I have my obligations in my country, in my company."

Now, we get it about his side of story. After he left the country, that woman told him about Kent. But he did not believe because he always use protection.

Mr. Henry told us that he hired someone to look for her. It was too late when he found out that she died from cancer. However, do not have proof that she gave birth to a child until he saw the magazine.

He was not fond of fashion magazine. But fate brought him to it as he saw that boy.