Few weeks ago, were so hard for us as family. At first, we did not know how to tell Kent. It was unfair for him and his father if we kept it hidden. It may not be easy for us too.

We told him that his real father did not know about him. His mother died after he left him to us. He cried and cried. We also told our children too. They did not believe it but they knew all along that Kent is not their blood related siblings.

When the results of their DNA Test came. Ninety nine percent paternal match confirmed. They are really father and son. I cried silently after I told him the result.

"Mimi!" He said, crying and hugging me tight.

They have not seen each other in person yet. But we talked about how will the situation be. Mr. Henry want his son to be in his country. Kent will be his next successor to their company.

He has a wife and a seven-year-old daughter. He assured us that his stepmother will not be a hinder to him. I do not what that to happen to him like some evil stepmother do to a innocent child.

I told him that we will write an agreement that if anything happens to Kent. I will personally get him no matter what. He did agree and willing to sign because he do not want that to happen as well.

"Baby, I know it is sudden but thing is so difficult for us too." I spoke. "However, it does not mean we love you less. You know that right?" I caressed his cheeks.

Eian was behind me, looking at us. Our kids were at the entertainment area. The three of us were at the living room.

"We love you so much. But your father also needs you. He suffered long without knowing the truth. I hope you understand the situation, right." I murmured. "I know you are intelligent young man. You are 13 years old soon. You are going to be a growing up young man. So, do not be afraid and worry. You can contact us anytime you want. If things go wrong just contract Dada or me." I added.

His embrace made me cry even more. This is the most difficult moments for me. I am going to lose him. We are going to lose him.

After that day, we spend our remaining days with him as his family.

They already met with his real father personally. They talked only the two of them. Getting to know each other.

Eian was there for me always. He knew better than anyone how I feel.

We accepted the situation slowly. We did our last family shoots in my studio. I lesser my workloads just to be with him. Eian did the same because we do not know what happen next in the future. It might not be the same. It might change for him.

The day came for him to say goodbye to each one of us. We already had a farewell party with families. That includes parents, siblings and others closes to us. Picture taking never set aside in the event.

Now, we are in the airport. I told Henry that we will be going together with him. He understands me the most because he knew how mother feels for a child. Cheena my eldest daughter stayed silent most of the ride. Chana my youngest daughter was sitting at Kent's lap. She is just five years old. Both my girls were so attached to him especially Cheena.

We reached at the airport just in time. We still have few minutes to tell each other's goodbyes.

Kent went to the boys first. They talked and we did not hear what it was. They were hugging like a group hug and then fist bumped after. He went for Chana the youngest one. He spoke in a sweet way then just like the boys. He hugged her too.

Cheena was the last one. She did not look at him in the eyes. Her head was lower. Kent lifted up and tears were flowing down. He wiped it out then whispered something to her. She nodded and hugged him tight.

It took too long for her to let him go. Eian was next. He thanked him for everything. For being an excellent Dada to him. Kent promised him that he will communicate often.

I am the last one. I tried not to be too emotional in front of him. I want him to succeed. Weakness is not the key to show today.

"Mimi, thank you so much. I love you so much just like Dada." My tears that I prevented from flowing betrayed me. It thought I can be strong. Seeing him and saying goodbye was the hardest. "When time comes, I will come back that you will be proud of me."

"I am always proud of you. You know that." I spoke. "I love you so much no matter what." I kissed his cheek.

"I know, Mimi, I know." He replies. "Once I become successful." He leaned closer to my ear. "I will marry Cheena." I froze.

"Bye guys! I love you all." Just like that without looking back. He walked towards Henry.

We arrived home, feeling down. Kent's flight took off already. My children went straight to the entertainment room. Cheena went straight to her room. It really affected her.

I went upstairs to our room. Eian followed me.

"You know, what was Kent whispered to me?" I smiled.

"What?" Eian asked.

"Once he will become successful. He will be going to marry Cheena." I relay.

"Huh! What!" Eian said in shock.

"I do not know if it was a joke. But age like him, do you think he feels more than a sibling to Cheena?" I said with confusion. "I mean, I know they are close and treated Cheena more special but...'" I paused.

'Yeah! What if?'

"Stop thinking too much. I know it won't be easy to our family. You need to focus on Cheena." Eian reminded me. "She is the most affected one."

I nodded. This will be the end of Kent's life in our family. We will always thankful that he came in us. He was a true blessing to us in our family.

The End!

P.S. I will not write for another chapter for this book. This is the end of Sky and Eian. However, to my next book it will be the beginning of Cheena and Hendrix Kent. See you soon! 😘