Lacking Imagination?

'Now how do I tell her that gods are starting a war...'

Ozul watched the piling papers on Ember's desk. After the fall of The Alliance, people from all over the continent were sending her letters. She had also overtaken a lot of small businesses.

Despite all the work she was busy with, she was more interested in hearing what he had to say.

"So... What happened?" she asked with her hands interlocked, looking at him with a gleam in her eyes.

Not only the participants and their guardians, but even she and the City Lord Ryujin were curious about what the Celestial Phoenix wanted with him.

Ozul glanced at the mess on her table and deemed it not important enough to inform her of the war that every realm would be swept into.

"You seem busy, we can discuss it later. It isn't important," he replied nonchalantly before yawning and walking out of the door.