Foiled Plans.

"... And yesterday, you said it isn't important!..."

There were a couple more complaints that Ember shouted uncontrollably, but at that point, Ozul had already zoned out. He didn't have any energy or any intentions to reply to everything.

Once she had finally stopped talking, as if awakening from a deep slumber, his vacant eyes gained a little gleam again.

"Now that you know, can you do anything about it?"


Having blown off all the steam, it finally settled in Ember's mind why he did not immediately come to tell him of the matter.

What could she even do? She could only prepare herself. If the scale of the war was so massive, scheming around with these weak people wouldn't be of much help.

"Ahem! Forgive me, I couldn't keep my dignity as a Sage," Ember was a little embarrassed as she admitted.

Ozul didn't care either way. He knew anyone would give an exaggerated reaction to the news of such a war.