Uproar at the Eight Grade's Class

Eli only sat there, a bit confounded.

For some reason, both the Student Council President and Vice President suddenly arrived at their classroom, consequently causing a commotion. Wonder-stricken, the girls were now having a Squealing Fest™ as they ogled these remarkable gentlemen.

Some of the boys, on the other hand, were eyeing them with envy while the others eagerly engaged in a conversation with them. The Student Council members always appeared amicable and congenial, treating students of all grade levels with respect and a friendly attitude.

That's why only a small minority openly threw malice and ill will towards them. Jealousy may just be simply a common reaction by now, considering how everything about them could naturally spark such an emotion.

"If only I can also deal with those kinds of situations... Like how they do it, that is," Eli mumbled to herself, a bit deflated, while Leah just stared at her quizzically.