Magic Mirror

Eli was now starting to regret stepping a foot out of that classroom with these two.

Apparently, the spotlight didn't seem to leave her even when they're already far from her classmates' prying eyes. It just happened that classes were finally dismissed, and students began flocking all over the hallway. Now, with the Student Council President and Vice President walking side by side with her at the center, grabbing people's attention became inevitable. The crowd then only grew thicker as she marched down the hall like a human robot. She just couldn't help but feel tense at their pointed stares.

What's more, Noah was holding her hand all the while, which made the whole situation even more misleading.

"Umm... I thought we're going to talk in private? Where are we going?" Eli started, slightly fidgeting as they continue to pass through a swarm of students.

"Yeah, we're almost there," Noah answered with a smile.