Tangled Up

Eli was afraid that Hal would say the same things that Leah said back then.

If that's the case, she'd probably go back to refraining herself.

She'd end up hoping too much again.

"She's not my friend..." were the words that kept repeating in her mind as she continued to overthink about her current predicament.

Swiveling around, Eli just decided to walk away and dump her plan to clear up the misunderstanding altogether. Confronting her classmates wasn't going to finish it off anyway, especially at her wavering state. She might not even be able to back herself up.


Then, out of the blue, Zeke appeared before her after turning to a corner. They almost bumped into each other for the second time today. Surprised, she looked up to him while he only tilted his head quizzically.

Without Eli knowing it, her eyes were already glistening with unclouded despair.

"Ah, Zeke! It's nice seeing you again," she then greeted, hastily veiling her rampaging emotions with a faint smile.