A Friend of a Friend

Hal has been on the edge of his seat for a while now.

Eli is still nowhere to be found. At first, he thought that something probably went down at home and she was absent, but some of their classmates said that they saw her at the hallway earlier. He tried searching between class periods but to no avail. There wasn't any trace of her at school. By now, he's getting the impression that she'd been ensnared by another summoned creature again.

"That dummy... I told her not to wander off on her own..." he grumbled underneath his breath, an eyebrow twitching in annoyance.

"Maybe I should look around a bit more..."

Hal was about to stand up from his seat when a certain brunette approached him all of the sudden. Leah was now staring down at him, looking a bit fidgety and weary. He then only lifted a brow at this and watched her squirm around.