How to Hunt Down Bullies 101

Eli was in the middle of repressing her bubbling anxiety at the moment.

Amidst the throng of students in the canteen, which was made thicker by the flock of onlookers that's surrounding one particular table, she only held her ground and gripped her lunch box tightly, letting her eyes wander around the bustling herd.

"If only I could use that calming routine Noah taught me... But I haven't really been practicing it yet..."

Eli never ate lunch here before since she prefers quiet places and isn't good with crowds. It also just happened that she couldn't afford buying anything in their menu, which apparently consisted of nothing but luxurious meals.

"Then again, this is Canaan we're talking about..." she grimaced to herself, biting her lips.

But today isn't like any other.

Earlier, Eli willingly accepted a certain challenge from Venus.