When the Weak Snapped

On second thought, perhaps, Eli shouldn't have let Venus get too carried away with this new flow of things.

"You want me to what...?" the ash-haired blurted out incredulously, dumbfounded.

"Have some sort of a witch trial," the former empress stated quite matter-of-factly, sounding as if what she just said was the most obvious thing to do at that situation.

"Okay, ummmm... That's like an allusion, right? Are you referring to any particular event that used to happen in your previous life or something?"

"I said what I said, Angelica. Do a witch trial. Expose those backstabbing imbeciles, have them humiliated in public, strip them off of their pretentious sheep's clothing, hang them by the roof-"

"Okay, okay, thank you, Venus. I appreciate the advice."

Eli somehow regretted forgetting how brutal and savage this iron-fisted tyrant could be, especially when she's in the mood for a bloody hunt.