Hating Then Confessing

Diamond grey orbs clash with emerald green irises - chained to each other and thoroughly transfixed all of the sudden. 

Underneath the sea of stars, two young souls only remain absorbed and unmoving for what seems like a fleeting eternity. Painting the whole scenery as if it's some sort of a clandestine rendezvous are the reposeful ambience and the rhythmic, pumping pulse of the waves that keep ebbing and flowing. 

Both figures offer each other a generous warmth, and with the cold, biting wind enveloping their pale, quivering skins, they unconsciously find their lack of personal space a serendipitous miscalculation. While they just stay in that position, this unspoken reciprocity of body heat only continues to stretch out its span amidst the sprawling quietude and growing confusion.
