To Hate, Not to Hate

Eli doesn't know how to react at the moment, so she just lets Lance take the floor instead. 

"I remember how you got pulled inside that Realm before. I eventually lost sight of you, though, and you know what I did right after...?" he trailed off smugly, the air around him getting thicker and thicker in each passing heartbeat.

That's when he inched closer to her out of nowhere, wearing a smirk that she thought should have come out miffingly conceited. She only remained frozen still as she leaned on the rails, ears peeled open for the next bomb that he will drop. 

"I just left you there... Fighting for your life all on your own."

Flabbergasted by how he just came clean while trying to peeve her with his insouciant facade at the same time, Eli just continues exchanging looks with him, her mouth slightly agape. A heavy silence proceeds to layer over them while she takes a fraction of moment to let his revelation sink in.