Splitting Up Once More

Eli and Lance are struck surprised and baffled at the moment - by Leah's ambiguous statement, that is. 

With a pair of furrowed brows and an unamused pout on, the brunette's jealous display has suddenly taken a context that seemed to be the opposite of what her classmate initially believed. Rather than being wary of her, she begins to point a suspecting gaze on her own fiance instead.

Yet to be fair on Leah's part, it just happened that she saw something peculiar about Lance the instant he locked eyes with Eli, which ended up pushing her buttons for a couple of reasons.

To begin with, that's no ordinary stare at all. As soon as she caught sight of a passing glint in those emerald orbs of his that subtly glistened upon their contact, she was both taken aback and bewildered for a fraction of second. Then, as they softened, slowly becoming more and more transfixed, she couldn't bear it anymore.