Always the Self-sacrificing One

Not even a moment later, Astarte finally started shredding off her sickeningly sweet surface, taking form of terror itself.

A succubus is indeed one deceitful enthraller.

Already exhausted of playing all good-natured and companionable, she went ahead and sent Venus flying through mid-air, furiously throwing her straight to the wall. The former Empress was immediate to react to this, wielding her mirror magic to diminish the impact by using it like some sort of a brake. Even then, her landing wasn't flawless since her power was more of an offensive type.

All the while, Astarte only watches with a look of mixed miff and dismay. She then eventually cast away everything that makes her pleasing in the eyes of others the instant she blows her top off as her fit of pique hits the ceiling. 

"[Eve of Agony]"