Roundabout Apology

Eli couldn't believe that there would be a day when she'd get to see that regretful look on her prideful upperclassman's face.

She has an idea about Lance's involvement with the adversaries she had been through for the past weeks, but she never takes time to dig deeper into it. That's because she is well aware that he has only one reason in mind, and that is his unquenchable grudge against the former Empress.

Since she really couldn't do anything about this wrath of his nor force him to heal, she just faced him head-on and let her frustrations do the talking. She clashed words with him, and even used him for her revenge on her offenders. 

All that time, though, she never thought about what kind of relationship they're sharing at that point and how she wanted it to turn out to be. Yet if anything, all she knows is that she doesn't really hate him nor hold even an ounce of resentment against him.