Developing Feelings

At that very moment, for a reason that is starting to unveil itself and come out of a thick haze of enigma, Lance finds himself astounded and drawn by her diamond grey irises that just seem to gleam like the stars they saw that night in the cruise.

Eli beams at him as if shedding light on a whole new level of sincerity, making him feel reassured and somewhat enraptured. It's as if her expression alone is enough to do the talking, and perhaps, more than enough to convince him that she isn't just any other girl out there - not the ones he met so far nor those he played around with.

"I was flabbergasted by the sight, and to be honest, I didn't really know what to do. But those jewels - no matter how luxurious or shiny they were, they could never be just as precious as a genuine apology from you... Thank you for the gift, Mr. Palladine. But I'm even more grateful for the message you sent along with it."