Changes in their Finest

Flabbergasted, Eli almost stumbles forward as soon as Leah comes pouncing on her and hugging her from behind her. 

Everyone else perks up at her sudden arrival in surprise, still not used to seeing the brunette this openly clingy to anyone. She does have a friendly and approachable image, but ever since the time those rumors about her family did a nasty blow to her reputation, she starts changing little by little, especially in terms of how she socializes with people.

Back then, Leah would simply greet Eli whenever they see each other in the morning before proceeding to hang out with her other circles. But now, she suddenly begins stepping up her game and initiating physical contact with her - to the point that it's almost as if she's boasting how close they are to everyone. 

"L-Leah...?!" the ash-haired exclaimed in surprise, slightly turning her head to take a glimpse of her.