The Fifth Heavenly King

Eli remains quiet still for the next seconds to come, taking time to scan the figure that appeared before her all of the sudden. 

With his lean and developed build materializing from thin air, Hal proceeds to undo his invisibility magic and reveals himself out of nowhere - a newly-embellished black coat draped over his shoulders. Caught off guard by this somewhat majestic entrance of his, she can only arch her brows in surprise while he returns this with a flabbergasted look of his own. 

But his uncalled-for appearance isn't really the one that takes her aback the most. It's that glaringly obvious refinement on his physical features - his hair is no longer as unkempt as before, shoulders a little broader, and his handsome frame has become on par with Zeke and the other Champions.

It's not really much of a fine-tuning that people might not recognize him anymore, though. More like, his inner charms and hidden appeal just happened to start seeping through at last.