A White Lady's Apparition

Right after pursuing the archer who shot the arrow but to no avail, Noah and his two other companions are now confronting a new conundrum.

It just happened that a certain spot in the first floor blasted and got wiped out of nowhere.

Apparently, they almost got caught in that sudden bomb explosion had they not ran after that mysterious figure. If they stayed on that corridor for a minute longer, they'd end up getting blown over. 

In a way, even though theywere not able to capture the fleeing entity, the appearance of that unidentified archer still helped them escape a situation that's much more death-dealing than being shot by an arrow. But then, that isn't really what's the main conundrum all about -

What got their heads turning rapidly at this moment is the entrance of an all-too familiar villain.

"What the...? What in the world is that elf guy doing here?" Lance thought out loud with a sharp intake of breath, eyes widening in flummox.