Recruiting a Villain's Aide

Whatever that explosion was all about, Hal did find it somewhat serendipitous.

With his opponent's attention diverted to the place of incident, the Champion used this opportunity to seize a hold of Lucas at once. He kicked his weapon from his hand with brute force and went ahead to get a grip on him from behind, catching him off guard. 

Now that he has the upper hand, he proceeded to wrap an around around his neck and point his revolver straight to his head, restraining him in the process.

Hal is more than aware that Lucas is pretty good at making diversions to escape, so before he can think of something and vanish into thin air again, he decided to drop a certain suspicion as a way to get him on track. It will probably work out for him as well since it's a mystery that they've long been trying to put their fingers on. 

"Carsein Winston..." the Champion sharply whispered in his ear out of nowhere, making him stiffen a little in surprise.