Chapter 12: The King of Omashu

Aang had the stone cart sitting on the edge of the stone slide that would take the mail through the system, but seeing how tight and cramped the cart was Soren decided to get his own cart and wait for Aang to start heading down before he went after.

[We'll see you at the bottom Soren hehe… All first time riders hold tight! Here we go!]: aang

Aang then leaned forward and the stone cart began sliding down the stone slide, and Soren was quick to follow after them as he jumped into his own cart and began following after Aang, Sokka, and Katara. The cart began to speed down the stone slide as Soren began catching up to Aang's cart, and when Aang saw this he gave Soren a cheeky smile as he used some Airbending to speed up, leaving Soren feeling the unfair advantage Aang had.

[No fair!... I'm not an Airbender!]: soren

Soren then came up with an idea as he transformed his stone cart into a flat board that wrapped around his feet to hold him in place with Earthbending, and leaning forward Soren began catching speed as he got faster and soon caught up with Aang, but it was just in time to see another stone cart holding a bunch of sharp spears closing in on them.

[Hey Aang!... Look behind you!]: soren

Aang turned around to see Sokka freaking out about the spears that were on the verge of piercing him.

[Don't worry Sokka, I'll just make us go faster]: aang

Aang then sped up the cart once more, and seeing them leave behind the spears, Aang thought they were in the clear, but once he turned back around to face the front he saw the turn coming up, but their speed was too fast and they would crash.

[Aang! Look out!]: katara

[Don't worry Katara, I'll get us out of here!]: aang

Aang then began rocking the cart back and forth as it then came off the track and began sliding along the houses before landing back in another stone slide leaving Soren speechless as to how he would ever catch up now.

[You sly monk… I can do that too]: soren

Soren then used some Earthbending and altered the slide, turning it into a ramp that launched him into the air, and he then landed right into the slide just below successfully being placed on the track Aang landed in. Soren and then began the chase after Aang, Katara, and Sokka, and due to the weight being heavier in Aang's cart, they went faster, so Soren covered his body with some of the stone track and made himself faster. Soon, Soren caught up with Aang, and scared him a bit as he tried to stay in the lead, but before he could do anything to make himself faster, Soren made another ramp and his stone board launched him into the air again as he landed in front of Aang, but before he could gloat about taking the lead, Aang shouted out.

[Soren! Look out!]: aang

Soren then looked forwards towards the direction Aang was pointing in, and saw 2 Earthbender guards wearing the Omashu's soldier uniform, and saw them handling the other mail carts. Soren then began to rock the stone board back and forth as he was once again taken off the track and began sliding down the rooftops once again, and it was followed by Aang as he also came after Soren to escape the inevitable crash waiting to happen with the other mail carts, and in the end there was a big crash along with the sound of crunching and cracking wood, followed the the heart felt sorrows of a crying man.

[MY CABBAGES!!!!!!]: cabbage salesman

Soren, Aang, Katara, and Sokka were all piled under a wreck of broken wood, and crushed and bruised cabbages. Soon the guards that heard the commotion had rushed over to see the scene of the crying salesman and Aang giving off a smile that said he was sorry for this awkward situation as he spoke.

[Hehe, 4 cabbages please]: aang

Soren just gave a sigh, while both Katara and Sokka were giving Aang dirty looks for dragging them into this, but under those looks the both of them had fun. Soon Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Soren were brought to the palace where the King resides, and they were cuffed with some metal shackles, and while Soren could remove them at any time, he didn't want to cause any more trouble than need be, so he just went with the flow.

[Your Majesty, these Juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages]: guard

Soren, Aang, Katara, and Sokka were placed down on their knees waiting for judgement, while the cabbage salesman came along to give his statement if need be, but he decided to shout in a fit of rage.

[Off with their heads!... 1 for each head of cabbage!]: cabbage salesman

[Silence!... Only the ing can pass down judgement… What is your judgement sire?]: guard

Everyone looked to the king as he looked as if he were pondering the answer to the question just asked by the guard, or maybe he was thinking on how to trick the 4 kids before him.

[Hmm… Throw them!... A feast]: king

The guards in the room looked surprised, while the cabbage salesman looked upset at the fact that his beloved cabbages were massacred, and the villains got away with it, and not only that, but got some free food out of it. Aang, Soren, Katara, and Sokka were all confused by this judgement, but didn't say anything further, and then they were all led to the dining room, and after a few hours of waiting, all the food was prepared and both Soren and Sokka began digging into the free food, while Katara was trying to figure out what kind of trick was in play, and Aang just didn't eat meat.

[So tell me, young bald one… Where are you from?]: king

[I'm from… Kangaroo Island]: aang

[Kangaroo Island ay?... I hear that place is really Hopping!...]: king

As the king began waiting for a reaction, the sound of one of the guards coughing was heard from the corner of the room, while everyone else in the room still showed no reaction to the poor quality of the Kings joke, but Sokka not wanting to be rude began laughing, only to stop soon after when everyone turned their attention towards him.

[Sokka, why are you laughing?]: soren

[What, it was kinda funny]: sokka

[No, not really]: soren

After seeing no reaction besides from the forced reaction from Sokka, the King let out a yawn and stretched his arms out before speaking.

[These jokes are making me tired… I guess it's time to hit the hay]: king

The King reached into his long sleeve and threw a chicken leg towards Aang, and Aang caught it with some Airbending shocking everyone present except Soren, Katara, Sokka, and the King.

[Looks like we have an Airbender in our presence… And not just any Airbender, but the Avatar!... Now, what do you have to say for yourself Mr. Pipinpadaloxicopolis?]: king

Aang quickly tried to get everyone out while spouting nonsense about coming here to do his Avatar duties and make sure there was no threat of Fire Nation soldiers here, but before he could successfully escape with everyone, the guards at the front entrance of the dining hall stopped Aang from making an escape with the others.

[You can't keep us here!... Let us leave!]: katara

[Lettuce leaf?]: king

[We're in serious trouble, aren't, we?]: sokka

[Yup]: soren

[Tomorrow, the Avatar will face 3 deadly challenges, but for now, the guards will show you to your chambers]: king

After discussing what exact kind of chambers they will be staying in, the King made it known that Soren would not be staying with Aang and the other, but rather he would be watched at all times since in the investigation of the mail system incident, there was obvious use of Earthbending present.

[Don't worry guys… I'll be fine, just rest up so we can leave this place]: soren

Soren was then separated from Aang and the others as he was brought down a dark hall and watched as a guard pulled out a set of jingeling keys, and opened a steel door before Soren was thrown inside.

[Normally this place would be used for criminals who could Earthbend, but since you aren't considered a criminal yet, you won't be treated like one, but this is the best that this room could get… Good night]: guard

Soren waited for the guards to leave before he began looking around the room and noticed that there was a set of blankets, and a pillow set on the metal bench that was considered a bed, and after setting up a small bed, Soren went through his options in his head.

'I can break out of here and go get Aang and the others before making an escape and have Aang labeled as a criminal thus diminishing his honor as the Avatar… Or I can stay here and see how this will play out… All I can remember from the knowledge I have is that Aang had visited Omashu with Katara and Sokka before leaving and heading to a small village on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom': soren

Soren decided that letting what comes next happen would be the best choice as nothing bad could happen from this encounter, and with his choice made, Soren went to sleep.

[Wake up!]: guard

Soren was awoken by the voice of one of the guards who were stationed to watch over Soren, and he was then taken and put in a set of metal handcuffs before he was fixed with a special looking ring made of a type of crystal material. Soren was then brought next to both Katara and Sokka, and opposite of them was Aang who was looting at the 3 of them as the crystal rings began to expand and cover over Soren, Katara, and Sokka's bodies.

[Those rings are made of pure jennamite, also known as creeping crystals… It's a crystal that grows remarkably fast, and by nightfall your friends will be completely covered in it… Terrible fate really… I can stop it, but you must complete my 3 challenges]: king

Soren, Sokka, and Katara already began to notice the crystals on their finger growing as it began to cover their fingers, and Aang agreed to the tasks. After a few hours Aang had completed 2 of the 3 tasks, while Soren, Katara, and Sokka were completely covered in the jennamite leaving only their faces open.

[Now, the last task is a simple fight… Choose anyone, and beat them in a fight and I will release your friend]: king

Aang then picked the King himself thinking he was some frail old man that he would be able to beat easily and save his friends, but it was a hard fight, and Soren was quite interested in how the King fought and wanted to fight him as well, and after seeing the fight end, Soren decided to challenge the King.

[Hey!... Old man, I wanna fight you]: soren

Soren stomped his right foot and made a spike come up and strike the jennamite around his arm shattering it, and freeing Soren's arm in the process, and then Soren took his freed arm and shattered the jennamite freeing his entire body shocking everyone present.

[Hey!... Soren! You couldn't have done that earlier?]: sokka

Soren just ignored Sokka and then made the cuffs around his wrists bend and twist off as he freed himself, he then picked up a piece of the jennamite and took a bite, shocking Sokka once again.

[This taste is quite good actually… I heard about jennamite my first time in Omashu, but never got the chance to try some]: soren

Soren then made some movements with his arms and freed both Sokka and Katara and then he joined both Aang and the King in the arena and spoke once again.

[I wanna fight you now]: soren

The King saw this and thought Soren was quite interesting, not only for coming up with a way to free himself from the jennamite, but also for freeing himself from the metal cuffs that should be impossible to do.

[Hehehe… You wanna fight me?... Okay!]: king

Aang saw Soren send a kick to the ground that sent a trail of stone spikes towards the King, making him jump back and deploy a stone wall to stop the spikes from piercing him. Aang then moved out of the arena and landed near the now freed Sokka and Katara and began watching the fight take place between Soren and the King of Omashu.

[Go get him Soren!... Avenge my stiff muscles!]: sokka