Preparing for the Banquet


Xiao Shin opened her eyes to reveal a pair of dull, dark red eyes that slightly glowed in the dark room when the door was opened.

"Get up demon!"

A fourteen years old girl with short light blue hair opened the door to the basement. She took out a key to unlock the chain connecting Xiao Shin's white collar to a hook on the wall.

"Younger Sister."

Bowing towards her second youngest sister, Xiao Lin, who walked towards her and grabbed the chain. Xiao Shin glanced at Xiao Lin with a rude look when she got closer.


Xiao Lin took out her phone and a sneer appeared on her face as well as a look of distain.


The collar started shocking Xiao Shin around her neck and the pain from it was terrible. Everyone of her family had control over her collar via a phone app.

"Hah. You better be even more respectful to me next time."

Xiao Lin unlocked the chain and pushed Xiao Shin to the side a little before going up the stairs.

"Oh yeah, you better come to the kitchen."


After her younger sister left, Xiao Shin lightly touched the collar around her neck with the rip of her fingers, and a hint of anger and killing intent could be seen in her blood red eyes before being replaced with an emotionless expression.

Sighing, she flinched and covered her eyes when she walked out of the dark room because of how bright it seemed to be outside and her long black hair shined slightly with the sun reflecting off it. Once her eyes adjusted she continued to walk through a fancily decorated hallway towards the kitchen.

As she walked, the maids and workers were spilling gossip and rumors about her to the newly recruited staff. When Xiao Shin entered the kitchen glares from her "Mother" and four sisters were directed straight at her. Xiao Shin's father was also sitting at the table waiting for her.

Moving forward she stood next to a chair across from them.


She sat on the chair from her father's command.

"Alright, I'll get straight to the point, it's been decided that you will attend a birthday banquet held by one of the most wealthy CEO's in the world."



A girl with pink hair stood up and slammed her hands on the table. Hey youngest sister, Xiao Mei, wasn't told why Xiao Shin was also going with them. The real reason she was attending was to publicly say that she was a maid at their house so no one would be even a hint of suspicious. She could have just been a very young maid or a daughter of one.

"Xiao Mei! Sit back down its improper to do that."

The mother stood up in her red dress and tried to convince Xiao Mei to sit down. They hadn't told her why because they all knew she couldn't keep a secrets that well. However the only secret she really knew was Xiao Shin.

"Enough, we will make a list of rules for you to follow during the banquet. Go back."

Xiao Shin knew her father had swiftly ended the conversation to make sure Xiao Mei and her mother didn't start arguing with each other.

Xiao Shin was dismissed back to her "room" so she just got up and left silently before things got worse for her. She could remember the most shocking moment in her life. It was when she had felt an insane pain surging through her back and when it went away a pair of large black demon like wings sprouted out of her back.

Of course she was shocked and panicked, but soon realised she could make the wings fold in and out of her back at will. No one ever found out about it because her "wing slits" were regarded as scars and she also tested her wings to fly when she was alone in the basement.

However that was 13 years ago, now, she had full control over her wings but never used them as much. If they were to find out, it would truly mean death.

Xiao Shin reached the basement and closed the door slightly when she got in, leaving a small opening for light to illuminate the room. A couple minutes pass before she received the list her father talked about.


One of the maids slid the list of rules through the opened in the door and ran away.


'How scary could I possibly be In the eyes of these maids?'

Xiao Shin got up and walked to pick up the piece of paper. It was actually longer than she thought it would be, even specifying what she was going to wear.

List of rules:

1. Cover your eyes

2. Cover the collar

3. Don't eat any food unless told to

4. Dont drink anything unless told to

5. You will say you're a maid of the Xiao Family when asked

6. Follow all your orders given

7. Don't make a scene

8. Wear the black and white maids outfit given to you later

9. Refer to your everyone as madam, my lady, sir, mister, young master, young lady, and ect.

10. Bow and greet everyone attending when you meet them.

11. Not following the rules will lead to you being punished on spot through the collar if you upset us or we see you upset any of the other guests.

'This list... has a lot of requirements.'


At least I'll be able to go outside for the first time in years.