
After being chained to the wall again, night fell.

"What was the CEO's name again..? Oh, it might have been Fang Qingmo..."

--- --- --- --- --- ---

When Xiao Shin woke up, she had already been unchained and a small completely black maids outfit that was neatly folded into a square. Sitting on top of it was a long black cloth and another black fabric.

She picked up the maids uniform and a small white card fell out.

Xiao Shin assumed the long cloth was a blindfold and the other was to hide the collar. After dressing up and wearing the cloth, Xiao Shin went outside as the card had said.

Once she stepped out of the basement, she looked out the window at the small birds sitting on the trees singing, but they flew away.


'If only I could fly free, just like them.'

She continued walking to the entrance of the house. A made passed by quickly and whispered,

"They're waiting outside."


Xiao Shin saw how the maid was busy so she didn't bother and faced down at the door handle. It was always locked, however when she turned it, the door clicked and light went throught her blindfold. It hurt her eyes slightly.

She walked outside dressed in completely black. Perhaps it was because of the years in complete darkness or some effects of her wings, she felt like she could see perfectly even without using her eyes.


Xiao Mei and the others were in a fancy looking car with the windows open. Xiao Shin went over and stood at the car door and waited for an order because there was clearly room for her but she would be punished if she went in. Her sisters were always like that.

"You sit over there."

Xiao Mei snickered and pointed to an old dirty car behind their car.

"What are you waiting for, go!"


The old car was driven by some stranger she hadn't known. He was wearing a white short sleeved shirt and a blue cap. He was also a little chubby.

"Get in the back."


Xiao Shin was a little skeptical, but still opened the door and got in. Seeing the car in front start going, the driver also drove right behind.

"Hey, so what are you up to?"


She was surprised that the driver would try and make small talk with her. Although maybe it was just the wierd way she dressed. A different maid had entered the car of the Xiao family, so he probably thought it was strange that I had to take his


30 minutes


They finally arrived at the entrance of a grand hotel. Xiao Shin was amazed at everything she saw while in the car ride. However, this hotel was the most amazing one. Though Xiao Shin made sure it didn't show on her face that she was amazed.

"We're here. You can get off."


Getting off the car quickly, Xiao Shin stood next to another maid that was following behind Xiao Shin's family. They walked up and showed their invites and got to enter. Inside was even more extravagant than the outside. It almost seemed as if it was plated in gold.

Xiao Shin still followed all the rules and bowed to everyone she saw, however even if it didn't show on her face, Xiao Shin was curious about everything. The food and drinks looked delicious but she could only look and not eat.

The appearance of a such a small and young maid gathered a little attention. Especially the way she was dressed from head to toe in all black. Xiao Shin wore a blindfold, but it was obvious to everyone she could still see.

Soon, Xiao Shin was shooed away by her family and all she could do was lean on a wall and stare blankly at the guests. Xiao Shin really wanted to eat a dessert that was on the table, it attracted her attention with its sweet smell.

While Xiao Shin had her head faced in the direction of the desserts, she got the attention of a certain person.

'If only I was allowed to eat, I wouldn't be so bored.'

Soon after thinking that, a dessert was held in front of her. It was her sister, Xiao Mei and ad group of three other girls that snickered at her side.

"Do you want to eat this?"


Xiao Shin bowed towards Xiao Mei's friends and greeted them.

"Then, eat it."

Just when Xiao Shin grabbed the plate, three glasses of wine was poured onto her. The three girls Xiao Mei brought over were her friends, and she told them that they should humiliate Xiao Shin for fun.

Xiao Shin was going to wipe it off her face at least, but,

"Little Demon, don't you dare wipe it off."

She wasn't able to wipe it off. All the guests looked, as Xiao Shin was walking around covered in red wine, she looked a little creepy to the people attending.

'At least I'll never see these guests again.'

Fang Qingmo was on the upper floors getting ready and made his way down. By chance, he saw Xiao Shin, soaked in red wine and just walking in circles around the building. Fang Qingmo raised an eyebrow when she walked right up to him.

Xiao Shin saw a guest she hadn't greeted yet so she made her way to him and the person accompanying him on the side.


Xiao Shin bowed to both of them and walked away. She continued walking around the perimeter of the building.

"Hey Shin, why is that little girl here greeting people."

"I'm not sure CEO Fang. She seemed to be wearing a maids outfit so perhaps she is a made of one of the families."

Mo Shin was CEO Fang's assistant and he pushed up his glasses after speaking. Even if she was a maid, he didn't know why she was drenched in red wine. He decided to discreetly watch Xiao Shin and report to CEO Fang later about it.

Xiao Shin was done circling the building since it seemed all the guests were here and greeted.She had no more interest left and took a nap against a corner where she wasnt seen.