One last time

Rick Jones asked his wife to board the car with their baby. Sandra smirked at the paled girl in front of her before she boarded the car with her baby and left that place. Then Rick Jones turned to his men and said,

"Let's play with her !! ".

Sasha felt her heart had stopped, she started to assume it as the end of her life. The bodyguard spying on her couldn't track her down and won't be able to save her, thinking about this she halted on her steps.

She kept on thinking about Aaric, who was waiting for her to return. She was hoping to see him once again for the last time, she just wanted to hug him, kiss him just once... just one last time. She knew she wouldn't be able to escape out alive. She regretted not allowing him to accompany her. She regretted not loving him enough. She regretted not telling him how much he is important to her. She just regretted everything.

She just had only one thought in her mind, 'I know you will find me'.

The wicked guy Rick Jones without taking a glance at her asked his men to enjoy and sat there on a chair leisurely watching the show in front of him.

The men started touching her with their ill intentions, some grabbed her hands, her hair and one of them slapped her harshly which resulted in slight bleeding from her mouth. Her face was pale and white. She was screaming with all her might but everything was a waste. No one came for her help.

The men were laughing at her. Those wicked animals started to tore her dresses. Soon there were no colours in her eyes. She stopped screaming. She just wanted to see her lover.

"Aaric... My dear... I love you. Please come and find me soon", she murmured under her breath. The pain was so unbearable that she could not even speak properly.

The men started beating her brutally with rods and kicking at her abdomen areas to make her scream.

There were just sounds of their attempt of beating her.

Realising that she stopped screaming and crying, annoyedly Rick Jones stood up from his chair and pointed his gun aiming at her.



Then another bullet was fired aiming at her head.


In the meantime the bodyguard called for Team S+ and everyone was searching for their lady boss. It was already two hours, but no one could get a leading clue.

The bodyguards checked the security cameras of the nearby stores. They gritted their teeth because someone deliberately took the records and destroyed the surveillance system with the virus. But they weren't an IT expert and had to wait for their team members.

In ten minutes, the team came and started to work as they were instructed. The IT team tried to take down the computer virus. It took them twenty minutes to control the surveillance system. However, they only got fragmented files. They couldn't find any car or any video of the kidnapper who would have abducted Sasha or the direction she went to.

Since they failed in protecting her and lost her track, that meant they failed in following their Boss's order that too they were assigned for their lady boss - only a person who mattered in Aaric's life. They all shivered in fright thinking about the consequences of their failure. If something bad happened to her even if a small injury they couldn't imagine what he would do to them.

Suddenly they heard gun firing. They trembled on their foot and ran towards the source of firing. While the time they reached their lady boss was brutally beaten and was shot thrice. Soon the female bodyguards checked her and confirmed she is breathing and alive. Then left for the hospital with tight security from few members of Team S+.

The other bodyguards searched the whole dark yard but there was not a single soul. They only found a single strapped watch that was too stained with blood.

Still they couldn't find anything apart from that. Remo parked his car in the nearby parking and headed towards the dark valley where the bodyguards informed him. He was shocked and confused.

'Why did Madam come here? And that too alone?'

Soon his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sound of footsteps. He turned behind when the leader of the bodyguards Dong came forward and stood behind him. He handed him a folder, pen drive and the evidence which they found there.