In Vegetative state

By the time the team reached hospital, it was already late for Sasha. She lost a lot of blood. Since a VIP room was booked, all the doctors available in that hospital rushed to the emergency room and took her into the operation theatre.

By the time Aaric Smith was already waiting outside the room. For him everything changed, there was nothing he could do. He failed to save her. He regretted not accompanying her.

He failed in protecting her.

Nothing crossed his mind except these thoughts whenever he used to think about his woman. She loved him with all her heart but he failed in protecting it.

It was already four hours since she was taken inside the operation theatre but no one came out with any results. This made him more furious. He was going to lose her forever. Now he can never fulfill her dream of having a beautiful family.

After a few hours the light of the operation theatre was switched off. Few doctors came out of the room discussing the reports. Aaric stared anxiously at his friend, Alleyn Walker who was holding Sasha's reports.

Alleyn understood the meaning behind his friend's staring. He bent down and asked him to first sit down on the bench. Then later, he started to explain to him about Sasha's condition.

"Aaric, I know it's difficult for you. We saved her. But it's difficult to keep her alive in her current condition. There are many injuries on her body. "

Aaric interrupted in between before Alleyn could finish his sentences and told him, "Give her the proper medicines and treatment. I'll take care of her. You just treat her."

Alleyn Walker was helpless around his friend who used to dote on his wife endlessly.

After a few minutes of silence, Alleyn heavily sighed and said, "Her head is heavily injured. The way her brain is damaged it was quite surprising that she's still alive. She may experience symptoms of amnesia after she wakes up. I mean, IF she wakes up."

As the doctor gave pressure while saying 'if' which in response Aaric glared at him and shot him a dangerous look.

"Hey, don't give me that murderous look! We doctors worked very hard to make the impossible to be possible. If you want to kill someone, kill that bastard who hurt her to the extent that she is in a coma now."

Alleyn's sudden reply made Aaric shocked beyond anything.

She was in a vegetative state. She was in a coma.

After realising that Alleyn spilled out the most important part just like that, he felt guilty. He glanced at his friend worriedly and nodded his head with a sympathetic look.

After regaining his composure from the shock, Aaric asked him.

"What else?"

Alleyn quickly showed him the reports and explained to him.

"Her bullet injuries caused her anemia and we transferred your blood as you wanted. Her breathing is normal. As for her head injury..."

He paused. Before he continued, he lifted his gaze and fixed them on his friend. In a serious tone he said.

"Her brain damage is quite big.

"Head injury survivors may experience a range of neuro-psychological problems following a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the part of the brain affected and the severity of the injury, the result on any one individual can vary greatly. Personality changes, memory and judgmental deficits, lack of impulse control, and poor concentration are all common."

Then he patted Aaric Smith's shoulder, "You have to be strong, my friend."

Hearing his best friend's caring voice, he placed his hand on top of Alleyn's hand without giving him a reply.

"I don't know how much time it will take her to recover. But, I am your friend so I'll tell you the truth. Although there are very few chances of her recovery but looking at how we passed that critical operation, there are still chances that she can recover."

The last few sentences from Alleyn did give Aaric a bit of hope but the earlier sentences and explanation were enough to boil his anger for that wicked animal who did this to her.

He was ready to skin off and burn that animal alive.

Alleyn Walker saw his friend's red eye and the chilliness coming from him. He knew that hurting Aaric Smith's wife was the biggest mistake that the person did in his lifetime. Alleyn gulped down a mouthful of saliva. Even though that fierce look of Aaric was not for him, but still it made him shiver.

'Well no matter how much he is going to torture them. They deserve it. Hurting- 'the wife of this ruthless man'. Why did they want to die so early?' Alleyn was confused when these sudden questions popped up into his mind.