Feeling blissful

After a heavy lunch, both the couples decided to go to the beachside. By the time they reached the entrance gate of the backside mansion, servants had already spread out mats and placed food baskets there.

Aaric and Alleyn were wearing short pants over a white vaste, while Amanda changed into a floral dress which could match with Sasha's dress.

While on the way, Amanda kept on rattling about the memories they had and other few memorable events to Sasha. She dared not to tell about those things which might trigger her mind. As Alleyn had strictly asked her to pay attention to what she speaks, Amanda was much more careful at that time.

Meanwhile, both their partners were following them from behind. Aaric wanted to ask Alleyn about when he will be starting with her treatment, and later he voiced out. For a while, Alleyn thought about some of the things regarding Sasha and asked Aaric about that.

"Did you observe any sudden change in her behaviour?"

"No, not any specific kind of change. Apart from that she is having nightmares frequently whenever she sleeps. This morning before your call, she told me that she saw a familiar girl in a pool of blood. She said that the girl was calling me." Aaric answered instantly and even told him about the nightmare she saw today. Although, it was just a nightmare but the way Sasha told him, it was not difficult to guess about which girl she was talking about.

"And you do feel that she was talking about herself, right?"

"Correct! The way she told me, it is not hard to guess. What do you think it could be?"

"She might be seeing such things. But if it continues with these unhappy memories, it might pull her into a depressed state. You know in this condition where she doesn't know anybody, it is already very hard for her to adapt." Alleyn was very patient when it came about such serious matters.

"And what about that sometimes she does not remember what I told her. Like in the morning I told her about Amanda but later she asked me about who she is." Aaric quickly voiced out his doubt when Sasha could not remember their morning conversation. If it would have been a few days, he could understand. But just after a few hours she could not remember.

"Look buddy, there is still a slight concussion in her brain. Though it is not a risky thing but still I would suggest you to get that removed quickly. It might be due to its effect only, otherwise her brain is in much better condition."

"What are you guys talking about? At least come fast." Suddenly Amanda's voice interrupted their conversation between. They both glanced at each other and decided to talk about this issue later. Both of them hastened their steps and reached beside their partners.

Though it was normal for couples to hold each other's hands, for Sasha and Aaric it was quite awkward for Sasha. She knew Aaric was trying his best to ease that awkwardness but still she was feeling bad for him.

While both Alleyn and Amanda were having fun near the shore, Aaric and Sasha were sitting on the mats under a huge umbrella. As per ordered by Aaric, the servants had placed a large umbrella just above the mats.

"Do we used to come here often?" Sasha's voice broke the silence between them as it started to suffocate her. Though she could not remember anything, she still found everything very familiar. The beach side and its view, even few shops which were not too far from the place where they both were sitting.

"Yes, every weekend we used to come here before. Did you like it?" Aaric wanted to know about her inner feelings when she was seeing this place. He felt if she could see those incidents in her nightmare, then she might find this not something new. But still he did not want to force her to remember those moments they spent here.

"Yes, everything looks so beautiful. It feels like a relief when I see these calm waves. "

"You know what earlier, you used to just go near the shore and try to collect yellow shells. When we go back, I'll show you your collection. The box is in the lower compartment of the side table." Aaric smiled and said in a very soft tone. He glanced at her and saw a grass straw in her hair. He tried to remove it, but Sasha reflexively removed it before his hands could touch her hair.

Aaric hands were still hanging in the mid-air but before she could turn he placed his hands down. The small exchange of moments made it a bit awkward between them but he tried to divert her mind from this. He remembered that she wanted to talk about something in the afternoon when they were in the backyard. He looked at her and asked about that.

"Ohh yes. I wanted to know whether I had any diary or any other kind of habit where I used to share everything."

"You used to share everything with me, even though you felt that few things were unnecessary to talk about."

Aaric's answer made it more hard for her to try to know about herself. But still, she knew that there must be something which could be helpful. Before she could ask him about it, he spoke.

"But you did maintain a scrap notebook where you kept all the pictures of ours. It's upstairs. If you want to see it right now, I will ask somebody to bring it over here."

"No, no. I will see it once we return back." Aaric's last sentences uplifted her mood when she heard about her scrap notebook. Even though it might not be helpful, at least she could get an idea how close they were. Earlier, when Amanda was talking about him, she felt heaviness all over her chest, maybe a feeling of guilt. She did not have an ounce of memory about the person who saved her, cared for her, most importantly the person whom she loved. She felt sad for him.

Aaric observed her every reaction and noticed that her eyes started to get heavy as tears were clouding inside, he could not help but give a pat on her shoulder to console her.

"Don't worry tonight, I will tell you bit by bit about us. But you have to promise me that you will not force yourself after a certain point. Okay?"

"I promise." Sasha's voice became hoarse even though she bit her lower lip, trying hard to control her emotions. But at the end, after hearing consoling those words which made an unknown effect on her every time. She observed since yesterday whenever she was feeling down or upset, just a few words from him would be enough to uplift her mood. Taking a small glance at the man's side view, she felt blissful.

'How fortunate I am to have him.' She thought to herself.