Possessiveness and insecurities (2)

"Amanda… at least listen to what I am saying." Alleyn's calm voice betrayed the irritation flashing in his eyes. He squatted down when he saw her not responding.

"Babe…" He eased his tone a bit from earlier and started stroking her head gently which he always used to do whenever she felt upset or sad. He knew her too well. The moment his warmth seeped through his large hands inside her, her sobbing sounds suddenly increased, She started crying so badly that Alleyn could not hold himself anymore.

He quickly pulled her in his hands and lifted her curled up body before walking towards the chair. He sat down and placed her on his lap in a comfortable position. Still she had her head buried in her palms while she was crying with her heart, aloud.

Alleyn grabbed her hands and tried to pull them away from her face. As soon as her face came to his sight, he froze. He would have never expected that this would have turned out this bad. He gritted his teeth in annoyance and wiped away her tears which were constantly coming out of her red and puffy eyes.

Amanda's eyes turned so red that one could not tell whether it was due to crying or she injured her eyes. Her eyes were red like a clot injury.

"Just look at you. How can you believe that person, huh?" Alleyn looked at her helplessly. But deep inside he was feeling grateful to Aaric. Right now because of him, he could see her possessiveness and insecurities she had preserved for him. Few years back when she saw her friends breaking up because of these two words, she had just hidden them inside her. She did not want to let Alleyn know that these two terms were there in their relationship too. She never wanted to end their relationship like her friends.

Until today, she showed her worst side to him. After so many years, he finally got to see that possessive side of hers, which in actual was the most beautiful thing he ever wanted to see. The way she would show her dominance over him, her right, everything.

"Then why didn't you tell me about all this?" Amanda who was crying non-stop in Alleyn's arms popped her head out and questioned him.

"What should I tell you? There's nothing as such."

"No… no… you are lying. You always lie." Amanda's eyes again clouded back with a pool of tears when she heard him. She shook her head vigorously as she started crying silently.

"Then tell me please. When have I ever lied to you?" Alleyn was stumped for a while when he heard her accusation. He thought for a bit before asking her gently. 'There must have been some misunderstanding. How on earth would I lie to her?'

"The ball dance party… you went after that…"

"You were not giving me attention. George came up with this plan but who would have thought you will start ignoring me after that…"

"Then what was with that date night? Will you be explaining that part?"

Alleyn could not recall such a thing so he had a confused look on his face. He looked at Amanda to observe whether she was just bluffing or guessing things on her own. But the confident look on her face was enough to swipe out his suspicion. He thought for a bit before asking her.

"Well I don't remember exactly which incident you are talking about."

"Can't you recall three years back just after we had freshers party for our enrolments in graduation, at that day you went out late at night from your dorm. And... and I followed you after that, just to find you entering a room. Do you remember now?" Alleyn was shocked to see that she remembered every small thing about him whether it was about his habits or activities. He actually thought whether she must be knowing about the brands of undergarments he uses?

"What? Cat your tongue now?" Amanda's raspy voice echoed beside his ear which made him come back to reality. He looked at the girl in his arms and stroked her hair gently. A smile was hanging on his lips when he realised she was so possessive for him. If he would have known about this earlier, he wouldn't have to waste his time in planning all those things just to grab her attention.

"No... I was actually feeling very happy right now... You know what if I would have known that you are so possessive for me, I wouldn't have to waste my money in organising and planning so many things. I could have bought you a lot of chocolates instead of that."

" Huh! Who cares about your chocolates? You can just give me branded clothes and jewelleries as gifts, it would be enough for me." Alleyn was exasperated on hearing his wife's retorting words. 'How come this chocolate lover was having this womanly attitude?'

"Are you going to explain it to me or not?"

"There's nothing to explain... It was about to dig up about Sasha."

The moment Alleyn mentioned Sasha's name, Amanda became alert. Her face and voice turned serious when she nudged her husband to explain further.

Years back...