Emptiness (2)

After venting out a few punches on Colin's face, finally a satisfied sigh escaped from Alleyn's mouth. He was panting to catch his breath while staring at the man with his lips bleeding from the corner.

"This is what you deserve." Alleyn once again grabbed his collar while hissing in a low voice. 

Colin was in so much pain that he was unable to hear what Alleyn had just spoken. He was pressing on his nose and his cheeks trying to caress them gently so as to soothe out those areas. But Alleyn's every punch was so powerful that he wanted to cry out in agony but he could not.

"Do you even know that what did you do to me?" Alleyn asked in a furious voice. He closed his eyes for a brief moment of seconds before opening them and yelling at the top of his lungs.

"You snatched my parents."