Chapter 5: A King and Peasant.

When the Ice king has finished inspecting his "Discovery" i.e "the Bracelet"~

Our other ML a.k.a The Superstar/Heir was writhing in agony, 'because of the pain' and crouched on the Floor holding his junk.

"Fu**" he cursed."What Kind of girl would hit a 'Man' my size THIS HARD?"

On Saying "Hard", his face turned Beet red as he remember his impulsive reaction when he Kissed the 'Girl who kicked him in the Balls'.*

Getting up from the floor and adjusting his pants and his *ahem 'Goods', He slowly, but steadily walked towards the door complaining, "Damn, If I ever get any Manly problems in the future, She has to take responsibility for me." he grumbled, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

'Why the hell Am I making her responsible like a girl?' he thought.

"Damn" he cursed loudly and rushed off from the Men's room, as suddenly something clicked and he wanted to have a check up ASAP!!!

With long, yet Steady but painful strides, he took off towards the back entrance of the building.

In his tension and panic, he didn't notice the long haired woman walking towards him while fiddling with her cell phone, and was about to *Boom *Crash into her.

But just in the nick of time, she moved her right leg 30° to the right avoiding crashing for the second time, out of instinct.

'Phew....Lucky' she thought and grabbed the back of his Sweater's collar to 'Stop' his Crash.

But the person in question, unexpectedly pulled her Left hand to support himself from hitting himself to the floor, face first.

She frowned when she felt someone invaded her personal space again! and was about to pull him back out of sheer anger, but due to the difference in their strengths, he turned her below him and rotated her in such a way that he fell on his Butt first and she was in a sitting position on him.

More like- she straddled the poor guy, on his pitiful parts.

Due to the sudden occurrence of events, her face was mostly covered with her long hair and her head was lying on his Chest: Which is now beating in a frenzy state.

Being pissed off from the moment she woke up, she suddenly moved her head so fast that she could get a whiplash, glaring at him with pure rage in her eye's that could burn his soul completely.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??" She seethed, in a silent roar.

The person who was in question had his heart caught in his throat. Looking into the girl before who was glaring and cursing at him, he was looking at her like a deer caught in headlights.

He didn't notice in the Men's room but, this girl with her hair loose, her fringe tickling her eyelashes, A long strand of hair struck in-between her lips, her fair face, her long eyelashes playfully touching her mole under her right, when she suddenly blew the hair that was struck in between her lips, he noticed a glaring mole in between the right of her straight nose and upper lip.

Just when she was saying something, he sighted another mole on her bottom lip.

Her rosy lips in contrast with the moles she was gifted made her look like a Succubus sent surprisingly from heaven to seduce him on the spot. As she has a childlike innocence to her.

The girl got irked, when the person on whom she was throwing her fury was gaping like a fish inspecting every single inch of her face. 

She started feeling troubled with his ogling now.So, she tried to get away from him but he was still holding her left hand and pinned her on him making her come awfully close where she can feel his breath on her face.

All the alarms had gone off from her brain and she dangerously crossed her eyes on him saying "Let. Go."

It was like lightning had struck him, when the color of her eyes turned from Deep Black to Dark Violets.

As a subordinate listening to a Supreme Commander, he immediately let go of her hand. She moved away from him and crossed her left leg over him, making a movement with a 270° to 0°  rotatory angle, and stood straight without any support to lift herself up.

Facing him with her back, and her head slightly tilted to the left and spoke in a low but clear voice, "Be in your limits Mr.!"she warned, and moved her body giving half attention to the man sprawled below.

"If you dare come near me one. more. time.....

I'll make sure to show you how to live, with a part missing from you." she looked down upon him as A King looking down on a peasant.

The irony of the situation is: She is the Peasant, and he is an Actual King.

Giving the warning, she turned on her heels without looking back at the Person who now looked like a prey being hunted by the Predator.

But the thing he painfully didn't notice was the hard on he got when ogling her.(Meaning= he was Fine!).

After a few minutes, he got up, flustered by lying on the floor like a dead fish and quickly composed his outer appearance and took heavy steps to his Car, directing the chauffeur to have a visit to the Hospital.

On the way to the hospital, his mind was completely on the person whom he had a brief encounter, probably twice.

One was sensual and painful, the other was awestruck and overbearing.