Chapter 6: God's favourite.

When the girl was on her way to her cabin, she just realized that her clothes were dripping wet. 

Her hair was sticking onto her face.

When the cold air of the air-conditioner hit and she shivered out of the cold.

She immediately turned back and ran towards the Ladies room, simultaneously blowing some air to warm her hands.After entering the washroom, and looking at her reflection in the mirror, her eyeballs popped out.

'No wonder....' she thought.

"Even I think I look like some seductress, seducing men on my way." she mumbled.

"No wonder, I was pinned. Thrice!" She added.

Being drenched from the rain, her face has a wet shiny look, with her eyeliner being a non water-proof  one, it got smudged and gave her a smoky eye look.

'Hmm?? Next time when I can't do eye makeup for a smoky look, I'll put on this eyeliner before going to take a bath and voila!! Smokey eye makeup ready!!'

'I feel like a genius sometimes.' she nodded to herself, in self appreciation.

"This person, I feel like I've seen him somewhere, especially his eyes, that look like Ambers!" she thought to herself, while drying her clothes in front of the Hand Dryer, and later her hair.

'Sigh~ Is this what I get for defying god and cursing myself for not having been in a relationship for 25 years eh?!?  3 guys had a go with me...huh?'

'Maybe. I sure am a God's Favorite!' thought herself, sarcastically.

"Men sure are scary, with their strength and all... I felt so...powerless, when they completely covered me in their arms...and helpless..." she said to nobody, feeling inferior about herself for not being able to do anything, when someone forced them on her.

She felt ashamed for being so... humiliated by them.

'Never! Never again...' she thought, holding her temples with her right hand and.... something felt off...

She suddenly shook her hand as it felt lite, free of any burden...

No, she shook it harder and started to panic as she realized that she.. lost... her bracelet!

She checked all her body, as she started removing each garment in the process and shaking them off to see if she could find any * jingle falling down from her clothes.

She immediately dressed herself back neatly and made her hair into a bun holding it with a hair clip.

And, she got out of the Ladies room and suddenly stopped when something struck her.

"It was with the first Jerk!" she concluded.

She remembered feeling a slight pain: That you could feel when your skin is being cut, when she got hold of his collar. She later saw a sharp cut when checking her body, which is caused by her Sword Made "A".

"Wait! My mom is going to kill meeeee!!!" She screeched, hiding in the corner of the washroom.

"No! First, I have to inform her, the whole thing...."she abruptly stopped her thought process.

"I would rather jump from this floor." She facepalmed herself, for thinking about it.

"But, I have to tell her...But, how can I explain her? But..... I have to...But" she struggled with herself, whether to inform her mother or not.

"Be whatever it is, I.will.inform.her! If not, I'd feel like I did something wrong!" she decided, and left the washroom.