Chapter 22: Mint and Chocolate

After reaching her office floor, Ahi let go of her bff's hand, and turned to her with a serious look on her face saying, "I need to catch up with my work, that I've missed for the past few days! So, we'll meet in the evening at our usual spot." and turned back to her workplace, entering the wing of her cubicle.

Moka was left alone with her mouth slightly ajar with a dumbfounded look.

'Seriously...What on earth happened?' thought Moka with an annoyed expression with Ahi's statement.


Ahi's Situation:

With a blank face, she faced her desktop doing her usual routine of logging in, signing in, connecting to the network, plugging her ears with the wireless headset, switching it ON, resume her songs collection, and finally start developing the code.

For the next 4-5 hrs, she didn't take a single break and was almost about to finish her work.

When she glanced at the time, it was about 5 in the evening.

*ring ring

Sliding the answer button,"Five more minutes, and I'll meet you."she answered mechanically.

She looked at the computer screen;

'Code successfully tested

0 errors' was shown on the screen.

'Good!' she thought and locked her screen, grabbing her mobile and walked out from her cubicle.

Walking towards her spot, she made a call saying, "I'm nearby.."

"I am already here," said Moka, irritatedly.


Opening the door, Ahi saw Moka awaiting for her presence, with her hands folded and feet tapping impatiently on the floor.

Seeing Ahi entering from the door, Moka finally felt her mood lifted a bit with the former's presence.

Ahi walked straight ahead, and jumped on the counter top near the wash basin. She folded her legs in a cross legged manner, resting her head on top of her knees, and was looking at the mirror.

Observing Ahi's odd but somewhat usual actions, Moka started,"Ahi-"

"Mokaa.....Do you think, I am beautiful?" asked Ahi in a small but doubtful voice, interrupting Moka's words, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"That!....What happened?"asked Moka patiently.

"I don't think I look beautiful-" said Ahi, touching her reflection in the mirror.

"Enough to be kissed thrice, by such ridiculously handsome men." she finished her last sentence in an almost whisper.

"Who said you are not- wait! WHATTT?" yelled Moka, with shock more than surprise.

"That's the reason you were such a crying mess?"asked Moka, with anger bubbling inside her.

'I should have killed those bastards!' she thought, angry with herself for not being of help, when her bff actually needed her the most.

"Maybe.....or maybe not!" said Ahi, a bit absentmindedly.

Confused, "Ok....What happened?Do you wish to talk about it?" asked Moka, with confusion written all over her face.

Sitting straight, Ahi started explaining everything from the rainy day encounter's, to the recent events this morning.

Moka stared speechlessly at Ahi, like she had grown three heads.

"I still don't understand why you've cried..." said Moka, after a brief moment of silence.

"Ah~I just wanted to make an escape and you felt like the best escape route!" said Ahi, scratching her head as she was caught red-handed.

"Sorry, I might've startled you, but that was the best option I could choose from! Please, try to understand.."said Ahi, to Moka by clapping her hands in a praying style and bowing her head for forgiveness.

Moka lifted a perfect eyebrow, and decided against her will to not burden her poor friend who has gone through such drama.

"Ok! I will forgive you for using me as a scapegoat..... given your situation..."said Moka, giving Ahi an accusing look.

"Thank you.....and Sorry th-"

"But! "

Ahi was interrupted in her excuses mid-way by Moka, who now has the look of a detective, that made Ahi feel like, 'I can't escape this landmine now!'

"-How did you know that the Jerk was 'The Aja Ray'?!?"asked Moka with a confused look.

"No.1: I know that you don't watch News much,

No.2: You don't remember people's faces that easily even if you did see them in the news once.

No.3: I bet you didn't recognize Ayaan when you first met him in the Men's room. as you thought the man in the men's room and corridor were 2 different people.

In my conclusion....It doesn't make any sense how you'd know their identities especially that Cold CEO's."she finished.

'Phew... I thought she saw through my lie! I'm lucky that she is a simple minded one unlike her husband!!' thought Ahi, feeling relieved. But she quickly hid her emotions.

"Wow Sherlock! I never knew you were such a genius detective.... You certainly need my praise!!" exclaimed Ahi, clapping with admiration in her eyes.

"I am! right? Even an idiot would get that doubt if he/she knows you for even a minute...Now! stop mocking me and explain!" said Moka with irritation.

"Che`~ You're no fun."

"Ok...Ayaan...I've known him because I have a particular distaste towards him as a superstar, but I do know him as a public figure and his background, considering he didn't depend on his connections/background but solely on his talent to succeed in the industry. All in all, I kind of like him. But, I used to think he is a g.ay..." said Ahi, resigning her thoughts which were said out loud.

"Used to....? What about now?"asked Moka, with a coy look.

"Shut up!" said Ahi, gritting her teeth, trying to not get distracted about the additional comment.

"And that Aja.... well, I once saw him on tv, and I thought he looked.....ridiculously handsome.

But! What caught my attention most was the insignia behind him that was made of swords.

Simply put, I googled his insignia, which gave me his details and family background, and also his connection to Ayaan. When his bodyguards surrounded me for taking my scarf from him, I kind of noticed that symbol-which felt awfully familiar....When Ayaan was introducing himself, I've confirmed his Identity." explained Ahi, in a detailed and logical way.

'Ha! I am such an expert liar! I need to receive an award for being such an expert!' thought Ahi in her mind.

"When did you do this research on him?"asked Moka, with a skeptical look.

"Few years ago....why?" asked Ahi, still thinking about the particular time and year.

'This girl's memory is really scary.... sometimes' thought Moka.

"Now....How did your first kiss feel like?" asked Moka, who now turned into a perverted old man.

Ahi glared in reply, but still answered....."Mint and chocolate.." in a low voice, looking anywhere but not at her bff's direction.

"So, you do consider that as a kiss instead of that stupid logic of yours!"

"You're too cute....!!!!" said Moka, giving Ahi a bear hug, who now looked like a ripe tomato.

"I'm not..." mumbled Ahi, in a whiney way.

"Yes you are! Now! Who is your pick?The rich, cold, handsome CEO,Or The super cool, handsome, dashing superstar/heir?"asked Moka, happy for her friend who finally got some connection to the 'Romance switch' in her Life.

The air around Ahi suddenly changed like a sharp knife that could cut through any object.

With a sharp tone, she said "Neither!".

"But, you said that you 'kind of like', Ayaan...''pouted Moka, as she felt that she was being wronged by Ahi.

"Then, I 'kind of like' that Jerk too! As he used to be exactly my type!" said Ahi imitating Moka, making her go annoyed.


"But No! I do not like any of those jerks!"

"But Why?????????????"

"Because I'm SCARED!!!" yelled Ahi, saying the last word with an angry expression.

"I do not wish to have anything to do with those guys! Never! Ever again!"

"At Least, that's what my mind is saying...."she said, with a defeated look.

'I do not wish to see that look in his eyes again!' was what that ran through her mind, when Ari said "Please".

'You don't know...You don't Know! That jerk and Ari.... they....!!!' Ahi tightly squeezed her eyes shut, not wishing to relive the experience again.

"It's scary,"she said, tightly grabbing her hair with agony.

"I wish to be alone for a few days! Please.. don't bring this topic again." said Ahi, with complete seriousness.

She jumped from the counter top, and was about to leave when Moka said,

"Don't you need to use the washroom?"

Ahi stopped and slapped her forehead. Turning, she gave her usual childish grin,

"Hehe, Forgot!"


"Yeah, yeah, I am.."

Ahi came back to use the washroom, as she finally remembered that her bladder was full.


After coming out from the office building, Ahi was waiting for Moka near the parking lot.

Moka came running, bringing Ahi's Backpack and stuff.

"Seriously, why don't you go yourself? And I have a note for you." said Moka, gasping for air, and handing Ahi her property.

Ahi's hand stopped mid-way and took the note from Moka.

"And you ask me, why Ivaan calls you a bird brain sometimes...." she mumbled, wishing that Moka, wouldn't hear her thoughts aloud.

"Why why?" asked Moka, with excitement in her eyes.

'This idiot!'

"Because you are cute like a bird." said Ahi, ruffling Moka's hair, which was slapped away as usual.

After saying their goodbyes, Moka made a call.

When the other party responded, she started bawling her eyes out saying, " Ivaaaaaaaan, Ahi was mad at me...!"