Chapter 24: Leaving for Island

Ahi slowly opened her eyes with a peaceful look on her face. All the worries and sadness have washed away. The only thing that exists is her tranquil gaze.

'That was a good dream..Wish these good dreams last forever.' thought Ahi, with a small smile grazing her lips.

"Ok! Time to get ready!" she said, and started getting ready.

"Wowiee! Today is weekend!" said Ahi in excitement walking towards the Bathroom.


Aja's Situation:

"Sir, I thought you were free for the next 3 months."said Aja's secretary Oman, shivering due to sudden drop in temperature.

Aja didn't respond and just stared from his floor to ceiling length glass windows, in the direction of the adjoining building.

*ring ring

Aja lifted the call without looking at the caller id, and placed it near his ear.

"Yo! Aja~ Had a good time with your prey? Seriously, I never thought you were a pedophile, until I saw the girls picture." said the other person.

Aja narrowed his eyes in response.

"She's twenty-five." he deadpanned.

"Woah! You actually replied? I thought you'd hang up on me when I said you were a pedophile." said the other person, with shock more than surprise.

Aja rested his back on the chair and didn't reply.

"Anyways, That superstar's Old man asked me to install the whole office with cameras to monitor her movements for today."

"Destroy them." came an immediate reply from Aja, making his secretary Oman freeze instantly.

'God! Save me from this Ice Devil!' thought Oman.

"That Superstar cousin of yours already did that, by burning all the footage. Seriously, what's with him and his old man always playing with fire?" said the other person, with annoyance.

Hearing about his supposed Superstar cousin's fancy for fire, he was reminded of someone who actually tasted like fire making him feel burnt all over.

"Yash. Take care of her."said Aja, with his usual cold tone with a somber look on his face.

"Whattttt?!!? 'The Aja Ray' Is finally in love? Am I hearing things?Huh?!? Huh?!?" said Yash, with a huge grin on his face, knowing his Cold,stick-up-his-ass friend was finally in love with a girl!

'I thought he might be a gay all these years. Chè!' thought Yash, dissatisfied.

'And, I've never seen him having any affair or a one-night stand, considering his duties with the underworld business too. I even wondered if he have any "needs''.'thought Yash, reminiscing the past events

"I don't love her."came a cold voice.


"Yeah, you don't- What?!?" exclaimed Yash, the last word with his jaw dropped to the floor.

"I don't like repeating myself."

"Oi,Oi Aja~ What nonsense are you spouting? You clearly love her. If you don't, why did you stay calm when she slapped you? And, What the hell is with that possessiveness of yours towards her?!?" came a gritting voice from Yash.

"You saw the footage." said Aja.

It was more a statement than question.


"Ha Haha hahaha, you see....I just wanted to see how you'd play with your prey. But I never expected you to be played within her-"

*Beep Beep

The phone was suddenly cut-off without listening to Yash's explanation.

"Oman.Book a flight to the Island." said Aja, still looking at a particular floor, in the adjoining building.


Ari's situation:

"Ari....She is not angry with you."said Sauri, in a comforting voice seated on the luxurious sofa in the hall room.

"Yeah, don't be so grumpy son. And, don't be angry with Aja either!" said Tresh, with a meaningful look.

Ari looked at his father with anger, for the words he just said.

"I really want to kill that bast**d!" said Ari, gritting his teeth out of fury.

"Mind your tone Ari! Do not forget what he did for you, and speak as you wish! I will not tolerate anyone demeaning Aja, even if it was my own Son!" said Tresh, with a strict warning tone.

Even Sauri was angry with Ari's words.

Looking at his parents' displeased expression towards him, Ari dropped his head low, saying

"I am sorry for demeaning Aja. But, I can't forgive him for what he did to her." said Ari stubbornly.


"Ari..If what Aja did was wrong, then you did the same thing to her. If he can't be forgiven, you can't be forgiven either." said Sauri, in a soft voice chiding her son.

Ari felt his words blocked in his throat, and didn't know how to respond.

"Aja was definitely in the wrong. But, he is torturing himself more than you can imagine.You do know that he is bad at expressing himself. And that kid needs help from you now, more than any of us." said Tresh, with an elderly expression.

"What do you mean?" asked Ari, with a confused face.

"He's leaving for the Island." said Tresh, waving his mobile. Showing that he just received the information from his inner source.

"That Idiot!"growled Ari, immediately standing up from the Sofa.

"Dad! Arrange a seat for me on the same flight."said Ari, rushing to his room to pack the luggage.

'Damn you As*Hole! Be a worthy opponent at least now! I will definitely win this time, fair and square.' thought Ari, irritated with his stupid, cold cousin.


Ahi's present situation:

While both Aja and Ari left for the Island, Ahi resumed her usual routine and went to office the next day.

On her way to the building, she was greeted with Moka's voice facing her back to Ahi, deeply involved in a mushy conversation with her husband.

"You were so mean yesterday night Ivaan!" said Moka, making Ahi's face turn beet red and stay still in her track.

'This idiot! Can't she see there are people who were eavesdropping to her conversation' thought Ahi, still blushing at their personal conversation.

"No! First, you came in-Hey?!?"

Moka was interrupted in her mushy explanation, which was going a bit too personal by Ahi-who just snatched the mobile and placed it near her ear.


"Oi Shorty! Keep your stupid stuff in your home. And don't go seducing my stupid colleague at the entrance of our office." said Ahi, with an intimidating voice.

"Shut up, you stupid-virgin-who-has-no-boyfriend till now! Don't be jealous of us loving couples!" came the voice from the other line.

Listening to his Peculiar comment, A vein popped on Ahi's head.

With a low, dangerous voice, "Listen, you pipsqueak! If not for me, you'd be celebrating your virginity for the rest of your life with your so-called talents. So, mind your tongue and let me borrow your wife! If not, I will make you impotent the next time I see you." finished Ahi, with a sharp gleam in her eyes that made both Moka and the other person shiver.

She pressed the red button and threw the phone on Moka, walking towards the office.

"Ahi....You can't do that to Ivaan! He is-"

"AH?!?" said Ahi, turning swiftly with a look of Devil.

"Nothing!" said Moka immediately, resuming her walk, following Ahi.