Chapter 25: A Trip?!?


Moka stopped walking and turned back, to be greeted by her "Male team mate".

Listening to the flirty voice of the Chicken headed guy, Ahi called in an annoyed voice,"Mokaa..."

"Ah! I'm sorry I have to leave" said Moka, excusing herself from her teammate.

"Moka?!?" asked the chicken-headed guy with surprise.

"Sigh~ The person over there is too lazy to call me by my full name." said Moka, sighing and pointing at Ahi.

Ahi gave a sharp glare and commanded, "Now!"

"Bye."waved Monica, and rushed to Ahi, linking their arms.

"You are married,"said Ahi, gritting her teeth.

"Hey! He's my teammate."said Monica in defence.

"That Shorty owes me one." mumbled Ahi.

'This Idiot!' thought Ahi, annoyed by the pesky one beside her.

"Seriously,Don't you have any self-awareness? That chickenhead is openly flirting with you and you won't even notice it?!?" lectured Ahi, to her oblivious friend.

"I Seriously doubt how Shorty was able to make advances on you!" scolded Ahi.

"Hey! I am not that oblivious! It's just fun to be hit on, even though you're married." said Monica bashfully.

"I am calling that pipsqueak!" blackmailed Ahi, picking her phone.

"Hey! I was kidding. Further, Ivaan will punish me, if he knows..." Monica trailed off, blushing and mumbling the last sentence.


"Mo..ka....."growled Ahi suddenly,"If you ever speak about your personal stuff with me again.....I don't know you from now on!"warned Ahi, once again walking away from her BFF.

"Hey! You are too mean, you know that? No wonder, Ivaan is scared of you." said Monica, running after Ahi.

Ahi placed her backpack on one chair, and sat on the other with her legs crossed in a gangster style.

"Whatever." dismissed Ahi.

"Hey Ahi..I've been searching for you all over."said a guy, sitting on the chair opposite to Ahi.

Monica raised her brows beside Ahi, looking at the sudden intrusion in her conversation.

"I just arrived." said Ahi, in a leisurely way.

"No work?" asked the other person.

"None for the next few days. Unless a new task is assigned to me." said Ahi, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's good,"said the other person impressed.

"I know" said Ahi dismissively.

Feeling a questioning gaze on her from beside, Ahi turned towards Monica and raised her brows.

Monica gave a questioning look, pointing at the 3rd person on the table.

"Oops! My Bad! He is Nirav, My teammate. And Nirav, She is my BFF Monica, Moka for short."

"She is more of a family than a friend.So, scratch the friend part and replace it with family." said Ahi.

"Most importantly, She is married. So, back off!" warned Ahi.

Used to her protective nature,Nirav smiled and greeted Monica.

Monica smiled and greeted him in return.

"So, why are you searching for me?'' asked Ahi.

"Right! You are listed in the employees list, who didn't take a vacation leave."started Nirav.

"Vacation leave?" asked Ahi, in confusion with her brows knitted.

"Yes. The one where you need to take a leave to be free from all the work tensions and enjoy your free time in the other country/place." explained Nirav.

"Oy Moka, Don't you think this sounds fishy?!?" said Ahi with a doubtful look.

"Why? It sounds amazing. I would like to have one with Ivaan!" exclaimed Monica, clasping her hands.

Ahi gave a dumbfounded look to the person who is now in la la land.

"You! Why didn't I know about if there is such a wonderful opportunity to take a leave overseas."asked Ahi, contemplating her view.

"Well... Did you attend a single Team lunch event? or at least a team outing for the past few years?" Asked Nirav.

"What's that, got to do with it?" asked Ahi, raising her eyebrows.

"Just so you know... you'd be called by the HR department if you don't take this vacation leave....As you are at the top on the list."said Nirav, with a teasing grin.

"WHYYY??" shouted Ahi, out of bafflement.

"That's your punishment for skipping the team activities. Don't blame me."said Nirav, covering his years.

"Che... will the company provide me with money for the overseas trip?" asked Ahi with the defeated look.

"Woah! Accepted defeat that easily? Seriously, why do you hate the HR department that much?" smirked Nirav.

"I had a small rift with the head, when I first started the job, due to some' issues'."mumbled Ahi, looking away.


Ahi received a notification, saying that she received a mail.

Unlocking her phone, she opened the mail and read the content.

But Unbeknownst to her, Moka also received a similar mail.

"Can't I just rest in my home? I relax a lot there, you know?" said Ahi, making a puppy face.

Looking at her, Nirav can't help but ruffle her hair. which she slapped away angrily.

"You really don't know about it?"asked Nirav, laughing at her grumpy look.

"Haha..Really.!What kind of woman are you? Not interested in partying,enjoying with friends,or going out for trips...Seriously, what kind of old lady lifestyle are you leading?"said Nirav, now in a fit of laughter.

"Shut up and get lost! I am getting a headache with your laughter." bashed Ahi.

"Yeah,yeah...My grumpy little kitten."said Nirav, pinching her cheeks.

"Don't touch me!"she slapped his hand away,"And, I am not grumpy!" she pouted.

"Ahhhhhh~ I don't need any vacationnnn...."said Ahi, lying on the table.

"Um.....Ahi, I am also on the list..I think...?''came a voice from the side.

Ahi immediately got up from her position and looked at Monica, with surprise written all over her face. 

"Please don't tell me you are coming with me..." said Ahi, with fear in her eyes.

"I think so." smiled Monica, at Ahi.

'I am doomed.'