Chapter 76: Drama-Queen

  As if Aja's voice carried a memory erasing effect like a neuralyzer, everyone reverted to their previous state of mind, except for Ari.    

'Heh....Queen~ You really are a queen at pulling one's strings' he snickered, startling Ari.

When Ari was looking around himself with high alertness., ' What? You saw Ahi half-naked. Should 'ya be that confused?' repeated the voice in his head.

'Yeah right!' he thought with an approving grin, once again reminiscing the measurements of his sweetheart.

'This guy is way too perverted....' 

After ten minutes~

Ahi came out in a black t-shirt- that has Luffy's picture on it where he is picking his nose, that reached her mid thighs, and her brother's shorts reached below her knees.

The overall look made her seem much younger than she usually is...(If that is even possible.)

Her hair was still wet with small droplets of water dripping from the ends but not as damp as before.

This time everyone has an awed look, looking at her.