Chapter 77: Not so innocent

Ari was seated beside her on the long sofa, her fair feet exposed to his view for admiration. And Aja was slowly walking towards her, who somehow completely got rid of the wine stench, replaced by a fresh smell.

Both husband and wife were curious as to what she was about to ask.

"O..K...." said Moka, unable to say no, to the cutiepie infront of her.

Ahi: "Hehe...Tell me....How does a kiss feel like?" she asked, a bit shy and giggling the next second.

Ivaan: "...Heh?!? Don't you think you're too old, to ask this question?" he asked with ridicule.

Aja's steps immediately halted in the mid-air and Ari's eyes widened when he heard the question.

Moka: "Ahi.. You always shut my mouth whenever I try to educate you...but...What's the matter?" she probed, with a knowing smile.

Ahi: "Shut up! I want your husband's opinion. Not your A-rated explanation." she snapped at Moka.