Chapter 95: Master

"I heard you." came a deep, cold voice.

"I was not. talking to you." she gritted her teeth.

"I was talking to my darling."she said, hugging "his" sword to, "her" chest.

"You don't take any offence dear. They say swords resemble their owners." she consoled the sword, sarcastically- annoying the said owner.

She tested the attack by herself this time, instead of attacking Aja.

The result was still the same, with the sword getting unsheathed.

With a *huff, she removed her yellow scarf, which was holding her hair into a ponytail, in a smooth motion, letting her thick long hair fall onto her back and teasingly highlight her features with the seaside winds.

Aja moved a step forward towards her- in an attempt to stop her, but was stopped midway, his hand still stretched, slightly hanging in the mid-air, his eyes widening, and his pupils contracted.