Chapter 197: Painting

Ari: Turning back to the "Angel"-

" Isha. What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to wait for my return? And, why are you alone?  Where is Ira?" he started nagging.

.... : " If you are not so enamored of your little girlfriend, and paid a bit of attention towards your surroundings.... you might as well notice your sister beside you." came a lazy reply from his left, spooking the soul out of him, and tightly hugging Ahi for his dear life without any warning.

Ahi: Pushing Ari's face away from her, before he could make their contact any worse-" I am not his girlfriend!"

Ari: Offended by Ahi's actions- grabbing her offensive hand and placing it on his neck instead-" She is not my girlfriend! Yet." (His actions were so smooth, that Ahi didn't notice that their posture would look much more intimate than before).

They both replied at the same time, one- offended with the statement, while the other- to clear the misunderstanding.