Chapter 198: Family~

Maya signaled Ahi with eye-movement, asking- "what's wrong?".

Ahi: Shaking her head, and laughing to herself she turned her head towards the two stunningly beautiful girls near her, with her face still smiling.

Ira: 'She's got a beautiful smile.... Just like mom~' she thought, her lips curved into a smile unconsciously.

Nudging Ari to his side, who stood like a deer caught in headlights, while gazing at Ahi- " Care to introduce us?" she prompted.

*Nervous Laugh


Ari: With a nervous laughter, and trying to free his throat from any blocker, while turning towards Ahi once again, she bent an inch backwards reflexively, "Uhm~ Ahi,..... My sisters, Ira the elder one." he said, patting the head of the shoulder-length haired woman with a cool-vibe, with one hand and nervously rubbing the back of his neck with the other.

"And Isha, the younger one. " he introduced, pointing to the "Angel" Ahi previously commented  on.