Chapter 204: Dream, Dreams, haunts forever~

  This sentence fueled Maya's anger further, engaging in another quarrel between Ahi, and her family.

(A/N: Well~ She has her reasons, for her personality issues, and ofcourse family always plays a key role.)

End result: She slammed the main door shut, and rushed towards her car with her eyes red from anger, and forcing herself to not become weak by letting tears show up on her eyes, and started the engine.

Maya and Pradyumn followed suit furiously with anger dripping in their faces, while yelling at Ahi for her manners, disrespectfulness, arrogance, and selfishness.

Ahi: Looking straight ahead in the driver's seat, and pressing hard on the accelerator, taking a left-turn ' Yeah right! Driving my own car to go to the office for one day is considered selfishness, in your knowledge guide. '

' Daada~'

' Don't talk!'

' Let me be. '