Chapter 205: Entry with a *Bang

' It never hurts one to be early though~' she reasoned, in her own statement.

' Okay! 5 minutes for the restroom, and 10 minutes to reach the meeting room. ' she calculated and got up unlocking the phone.

But instead, she saw a message notification on the lock screen which was received 2hrs ago.

Unlocking it~

Messages--Known Senders--Snakehead

Ahi: "??"


``Good Morning Ms.Ahi.

Isn't it a lovely morning for new beginnings?

Hence, the reason to prepone the meeting time to 10 AM instead. Don't forget to be there at least thirty minutes prior to the designated time.``

*Eyes widens

'F**k the restroom program!'

"You have a very strong will power Ahi! You can do it! " she encouraged herself.

' You can definitely control your bladder! ' she pushed herself, and her face immediately fell afterwards, thinking how stupid her words just sound.
