
Jasmine was getting water from the nearby river when she heard a loud noise followed by screams and cries from her village. Dropping the buckets in her hands, she ran jumping on her panther, and headed straight to the village.

When she arrived, it was too late. Her parents along with many other villagers were crushed by the rocks and mud that came tumbling down the mountainside. Her village was small, hidden from the outside world. So, with the rock slide, it was easily destroyed.

The few adult villagers remaining asked her if she had a family she could go to. Jasmine was at a loss for a moment as she was taking in the sight of her parents buried before her. Slowly she shook her head yes as she remembered her mother talking about her sister, Jasmine's aunt who lives in the neighboring country.

The elder who asked her the question was relieved since the ones who survived wouldn't be able to take care of another young child. Even though Jasmine was a very capable young lady, who could just as well live by herself, just the responsibility alone of being her guardian troubled them. They wouldn't know how to face her dead parents if something were to happen to her under their care.

The few remaining villagers left together, walking to the nearby town. From there they all said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways. All except Jasmine and an elder, Christopher. Knowing Jasmine has never been outside the village that was deep in the jungle, he took it upon himself to help her get the train ticket as well as explain to her what to do when she arrived in the neighboring country. With the help of the Elder, she was able to get the address of her aunt.

Jasmine, despite only being 16, was very smart and independent. She listened carefully to the instructions Christopher provided. Thanking him for everything. They hugged each other for one last time before she boarded the train.

******Jasmine POV

Hmmm, so this is the 'outside world', she thought as she looked through the window of the moving train. Captured by seeing the beautiful scenery unfold before her at a fast rate. As the day got darker, the scenery began to change. The wall of green and some brown (from cottages mixed in with the greenery) slowly started to be replaced with grey and black buildings, the stars were disappearing, hiding behind the tall buildings. Jasmine held her bag close to her, looked around her seeing everyone on the train lulled asleep by the train's rocking motion side to side. She too was beginning to feel sleepy, yet couldn't sleep, wondering what her aunt will say when they meet. 'What if someone else lives at my aunt's house? If she's still there, will she be willing to take me in?....filled with thoughts, she slowly fell asleep with her hands around her knees and her head above her bag. Her bag only had a shirt and thin pants with some bread and a couple of other items, so it easily fits in the small space under her head behind her bent legs.


Hearing the rustling beside her, Jasmine quickly woke up and looked around. She noticed people were waking up, getting things from their luggage, talking amongst each other. Then the sweet smell of breakfast caught her attention. Jasmine eyed the people sitting next to and across from her, learning how to react to the lady passing out the breakfast and beverages. Loosening her grip on her bag, Jasmine reached for the juice and packaged food she asked for. Jasmine was thankful her parents were able to teach her English amongst other things. Looking at Jasmine from an outsider's view, she looked like a 'normal' young lady. Even smart as she has kept her bag close to her all the time.

After a couple of days, she arrived in the country her aunt lived in. Recalling what Christopher had told her, she asked the person beside her where the police station was. They gave her directions, thinking it a bit odd she didn't write them down, only repeating it to make sure she got it right. On her way to the police station, she noticed a young boy taking a wallet out of a man's back pocket. Knowing that he was clearly not right what she saw. She followed the young boy who was a bit shorter, if not the same height as her, and caught him. She ran in front of him telling him to give the wallet back. People around began to walk slowly to see what was going on.

The young boy, of course, feigned innocence. As soon as he said those words, Jasmine quickly knocked him off balance, grabbing the wallet from the boy in the process, before walking away. Not only leaving behind a dumbfounded boy, but the people passing by were astonished at how fast the young lady's actions were.

Jasmine returned the wallet to the grateful young man, then continued on her way to the police station. After getting the assistance she needed she left and began to survey the area before beginning the rest of her journey to her aunt's house.