A smirk came across a young handsome man's face, who happened to see everything Jasmine did the moment he spotted her in the crowd leaving the train station. It was hard for him to take his eyes off of the young lady, who even though she looked like a young lady, acted like anything but one. She wore a long flowing skirt with a buttoned-up blouse with short sleeves, allowing you to see her light golden skin, her hair was hidden under a sun hat adding to the mystery of who and where she came from. Also, despite her beautiful clothing that suited her well, she had a worn-out brown side bag. Then she followed a thief, 'she has good eyes to notice him, but why not call out for help to retain the boy' he thought, never letting his eyes off her.
The young man's company looked at him confusedly as he started chuckling, "Well I'll be." He said out loud without realizing, as he saw the young lady snatch the wallet while knocking the boy down so quickly it left him frozen in place on the ground not even realizing what had just happened. A young lady walked to the young man standing on the balcony, "What is it James? Show me what is so interesting that you stayed out here for so long?" The lady asked as she walked right beside him. A bit too close to his liking, "Nothing that would interest you." He said without even looking at her. The lady tried to see what he was looking at but to no avail. She just 'hmphed' and went back inside. James kept his eyes on this mysterious beauty who is full of surprises, 'why go to the police station after the matter with the thief had been resolved?' Leaving the balcony he told everyone in the room he will be taking his leave now, grabbed his coat, and left.
The mysterious beauty was nowhere to be seen as he got close to the police station. 'Will she still be inside?', 'Why the police station though?' He walked into the police station and looked around. Sighing he realized she had left, but then a thought came into his mind. "Hello, Officer. Could you please tell me where a young lady, whose skin was lightly tanned, had gone?" He hoped the question wasn't strange and to his luck, the police officer answered, "Ah, yes. A real beauty that one. She politely asked how to get to her aunt's house and showed us the address. It's a shame no one was able to drive her at least halfway. (Looking a bit sad) It's going to take that little lady a whole day by public transportation." "I could take her. Where does her aunt live?", James said enthusiastically. The police officer looked at him a bit suspiciously and asked, "You won't mind driving to Devonport?" 'Devonport?' James repeated in his mind. His mother lives in Devonport. "That's great!" Getting a bit too excited, "I was going to head that way to visit my mother. Do you know which way the young lady went?" James remembered to ask right before leaving. "Yes, she should be on her way to the bus station, if she didn't get lost." "Lost?" "Well, yes. Instead of giving her a paper with the directions, she just repeated what we told her, telling us not to worry since she's good with directions." With that James said thanks and ran out the door heading straight to the bus station, 'please still be there, please still be there.' He repeated in his head, anxiety, and fear taking over his thoughts as he drew closer to the station. It wasn't that far away and he was physically fit so he was able to get there rather quickly, but she did have a head start and who knows how long it has been since she left the police station.
Jasmine arrived at the bus station, looking around to find the ticket counter before heading to her bus stop. Right as her bus was pulling into the station, James could be seen looking all around for his mystical beauty. 'Found her!!' He inwardly screamed as he ran towards her, doing his best to get through the crowd. Thankfully there was quite a line to board the bus, allowing James to reach her just in time.
"Excuse me, Ms.," He said while reaching out to grab her shoulder. Upon hearing someone call out, Jasmine turned around dodging his 'attack'. James wasn't surprised since he has seen her speed earlier. He straightened himself up, looked her straight into her blue eyes, reaching out his hand for a proper introduction, "I'm James and I am heading to Davenport." He included going to Davenport so she will, hopefully, agree to go with him, even if he is a complete stranger. Jasmine looked into his hazel eyes, seeing no harmful intention, she shook his hand, "I'm Jasmine, also going to Davenport." She said. They walked out of the way of people passing by and continued talking.
"You are more than welcome to travel with me. You will arrive there sooner and having company along the way is much nicer than being alone." He tried not to sound pleading.
Jasmine looked at him warily wondering if it was just a coincidence this stranger found her and invited her to go with him to Davenport….most likely not. James noticed she was debating on whether to say yes or no. "I happened to hear of a young lady traveling to Davenport and thought that I could give you a ride." "Ok, as long as you want nothing in return for it, for I do not have anything to give, but a thank you for your troubles Mr. James.", she said politely with a bit of sadness crossing her deep blue eyes. "Just James, please Jasmine. Also, as I said, no trouble at all, I was heading that way today. Shall we." In saying the last part he held out his hand to her, being in a crowded place it made sense to her to hold his hand so she did so. James couldn't stop smiling. He was now holding his mysterious, no, Jasmine's hand in his as they walked to his car. He was truly grateful she didn't reject holding his hand, even more so, riding along with him.
He opened the passenger car door for Jasmine. Doing his best to keep his wild thoughts to remain as only thoughts and to act like a gentleman to her. The last thing he wanted was to do something to scare her off. "Are you hungry?" He asked as he started his car. His question was answered by a growl of her stomach. Jasmine clutches her bag to her chest and curls up, just like she did while on the train. James got nervous, "Are you ok? Are you uncomfortable? Would you like to lay down in the back seat?" Sounding sincerely worried about her. She looked up at him as he pulled over, turning to her. Their eyes meet and he could feel her eyes searching his as if to see his heart, his intentions. Not being able to take the way she has been acting (distant, cautious) he sighed and turned his body towards her.
"I am not a bad person, nor am I some crazy stalker, ok? It's just, while I was with a group of friends, I walked into the patio to the room we were at and happened to see you walking around. You have this mysterious….coughs….you caught my attention so I went down to see if I could meet you and by chance you happened to be traveling the same way I am. And so here we are on our way to Davenport."
She turned away from him, "I look mysterious to you?" She then looked straight into his eyes, it was like they were calling him deeper in her gaze. Before he even registered her question she asked him, "You called out to me because I look different than other young ladies?" Her stern voice woke him from his trance, looking at her serious face, luscious lips....."yes"...he said looking back up to her face not daring to venture further down her body.
"How do I not look like a lady?", she asked as she uncurled herself to take a look. 'Rumble, rumble.' Instead of answering her question, at the sound of her tummy, he began to drive again. A few minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant. James opened the door for Jasmine as she hesitantly got out looking at the one-story building before for. "What is this place?", she asked as the name on the building read 'Luigi's'. James told her that it is an Italian Restaurant, "We should eat a decent meal before the long journey ahead of us.", he simply stated as a waiter guided them to an isolated table in the back (per James's request).