Jasmine sat like a lady, but you could tell she was uncomfortable. "This is an informal meal, you don't have to force yourself to be a 'proper lady'." He said, despite enjoying the sight in front of him, he did not like the idea of her not enjoying the meal, especially since it seemed she was very hungry and they really did have a long way ahead of them. Jasmine stopped fidgeting in her seat and relaxed as soon as James told her to do so. Seeing her body relax as soon as he explained she didn't have to be proper, shocked him a bit. I mean, most young lady's he has been around, no scratch that all of them do not know anything but being a 'proper lady'. His interest in her was growing as she knew how to eat 'civilized' with a fork and knife, but she looks and acts like a foreigner. 'But from where?'
"Is the food to your liking?" "Yes, thank you for ordering on my behalf." Jasmine kept to herself that, even though she could speak and read English well, her Italian was a bit bad. Not that the menu was in Italian, but since she has never eaten or even heard of some of the dishes on the menu. After they ate they went back on the road. James turned the radio on low, to add some noise to the quietness while debating on whether or not he should ask her questions.
" I am heading to my Mothers in Davenport, you?" "I am going to visit my aunt if she is home that is." "What do you mean if she is at home? Did you not let her know you were coming to visit?" Seeing James as a nice guy with no ill intentions, she explained her situation. looking outside the window with sadness in her blue eyes, "There was an avalanche in our village.....silence.....I was out getting food when I heard a loud crash. When I returned, I saw most of our village barrier under mud and rocks, along with my Mother and Father. I was only left with Puma. The elder asked everyone if they had somewhere to go. I explained I had an aunt in Davenport. When we left the village to a nearby town with a train station, the Elder helped me get her information. We do not have a phone, so we sent her a letter, which she should be receiving about the same time I arrive or sooner. The only thing is that we haven't kept in touch with her much so I don't know if she is still there. I didn't tell the Elder that though." "When is the last time you received notice of her living there?" "When I was a little girl." Having mixed thoughts of wanting her aunt to still be living there or not was a current battle going on in his mind, then he remembered her mention, Puma. "What about Puma? Where is he?" "Elder told me I had to leave him behind." all of his thoughts cleared leaving him with anger when he heard her say that the only living person she has, she had to leave behind. "Why would he tell you to leave Puma behind? Puma is the last relative you have in your village, right? Why couldn't he come live with you and your aunt?" Sighing at the thought of her beloved Puma, "No, he is my beloved pet." puzzled he continues to ask, "What kind of pet would the Elder tell you not to bring with you? I can't think of a cat or a dog as a problem, maybe a fish though....." before he could say anything else...."Puma can be considered a cat...since he is a panther after all." Completely shocked, he had to pull over and make sure he heard her right. "Did you just say panther? As as, iiiinnn the big wwwiilldd black cat?" startled by him suddenly pulling over she got ready to defend herself, if he tried something, only to hear him stutter in asking about her pet. Nodding her head in agreement as they look straight at each other. "What, wait, no, how can you have a pet Puma, no I mean Panther as a pet?" Hearing this nice, handsome guy, who speaks the English language soo smoothly mess up so badly just at the mention of her pet Panther, made her laugh, she thought he looked and sounded absolutely hilarious. "Wait, why are you laughing?" he himself began to laugh thinking that she was just joking. Calming down a bit, "Not to sound rude, but you sound absolutely ridiculous." "What do you mean, (thinking about what he just said, well-tried to say) ok, I understand now, it was a good joke, you sure did get me, I mean who has a pet Panther." about to turn to start the vehicle once again, he saw her laughter fade and her beautiful smile turn into a frown, "I was not joking with you, James. I helped raise him when he was young and honestly, he became my first and only friend. I was only laughing at how silly you sounded, my apologies." With the last sentence, all laughter and happiness ceased and they were back on the road, leaving a dumbfounded James driving.