Jack's Identity

I glanced at my phone and continued to walk, more like dragging my legs, in the direction of the bus stop. I hadn't even moved one meter and my phone already went off again, but this time it was a phone call.

A phone call from a private number.

I hesitated, but still picked up the call. I huffed and repositioned my freaking big teddy bear under my armpits.

"Even your breathing sounds so sexy." His disguised voice, together with the static background, noises could be heard from the other line.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"I told you to not move." He answered.

"Maybe you didn't know, but I am trying to go home right now." I retorted.

He chuckled. "I know, that's why I am on my way to pick you up right now."

I stared at my phone screen, blinked a few times before I placed it back against my ear. "Why?" I questioned wearily.

"I bugged your friend's home, remember? There's no way that I will let you go home carrying a bear with almost the same size as you and with a leg like that." He answered in a 'duh' like tone.

I scoffed slightly. "I could just call an uber or something, no need for you to do that."

An angry growl could be heard from the other line; managing not only to shake my phone with its vibration but also to find a way to my core, sending a tremor through my whole body.

"I-I get it. I will wait for you here. Just hurry, my arms are falling off." I stammered.

"I'll be there in a minute." He said with a gruff and hung up.

'I guess that this is better than dragging my body home.' I thought as I went and sat down on the curb, placing the crouches and the giant plush next to me; shaking my arms, trying to bring some feeling back in to them.

"You sure are a heavy thing." I grumbled, but smiled slightly as I glared at him.

Feeling the cold breezing wind passing by my neck, I looked up at the sky that was now covered in grey hue colored clouds; the warmth of the sun absorbed in them. "How did the weather change so swiftly?" I mumbled.

An unexpected honk made me snap my neck to see that Jack had arrived… in that damn range rover! He parked next to me and stepped out walking towards me, but he stopped in his track when he saw me staring at him with a scowling expression.

"What?" He asked wearily as he grabbed the giant bear to put it back inside the car.

"Why did you bring this car?" I gritted.

"Why? You don't like it?" He asked worriedly as he placed his hand on top of the car, caressing it.

I gave him the 'are you serious right now?' look. "Oh geez Jack, it's not that I don't like the car, let me think…" With my index finger, I tapped lightly at my temple in a pondering stance. "Maybe it's because this car doesn't have any locks on the inside? You know the car that you use for murder and kidnapping?" I said in a slightly high pitch tone.

He chuckles. "Don't worry about those minor details." He waved it off and reached out to me. With a swift movement, I brought up one crutch against Jack; keeping him at arm's length distance. "Wow there, big boy. I can walk just fine to the door. No need to carry me." I said, knowing what he wanted to do.

He held up his hands in a surrendering stand. "I am just worried that you mind stumble and fall."

I threw my head back and laughed, keeping the crutch steady. "You can't be serious."

"I am dead serious." He said in a none joking manner. "What if my baby worsens her injury?"

"I am a grown woman, not a baby." I said with a half-smile.

He tutted with his index finger and pushed with the same finger the crutch aside, stepping inside my boundary, lifting my chin up. "When are you going to learn that you are my baby?" He whispered lowly.

"When are you going to buzz off?" I questioned.

"Never." His voice hardened, making me swallow a nervous lump.

"Well, there you have your answer." I sneered.

He lets out an exasperated sigh, throwing back his head. "Let me at least guide you. I won't take a no for an answer." He said in a firm tone as he reached out his gloved hand for me to grab.

With an exhale, I grabbed it, rolling my eyes. He chuckled and held on to my hand tightly, guiding me carefully to the door as if I was a princess. He opened the door for me, and with inaudible words, I grumbled, entering the car. "I was never treated like this before." I mumbled, situating myself in the seat. Jack already grabbed the seatbelt before I could strap myself in.

"You better get used to this." He said, fastening my seatbelt and closing the door. I gazed uncomfortably at the door, where there was no handle or lock to be seen.

'There's no way I can get used to this car.' I frowned.

"Buckle up." He said, strapping himself in as he started the roaring engine of the car.

With a grumbled up expression, I crossed my arms and slumped even further into the seat. "Funny."

I'm bored. I am genuinely bored right now. Jack hasn't really said anything except from his annoyingly flirtatious comments. I can't even open the window to let some air in! I am suffocating! And I am literally just patting my new plush toy and it's unbelievably soft.

"Why did you get that?" Jack asked, hinting at Mr. teddy.

I shrugged, not looking away from the bear. "Just because." I said, still ruffling at the fake fur.

"Plushies aren't your thing." He said a matter of fact and he was right. I am absolutely not a plushie person, but I had no choice! I needed something as my alibi. "You sounded really excited in the car, but still…" He drawled, his voice laced in suspicion with his gaze cast on me now and then.

"The store was cute, and I always wanted to check it out." I said plainly.

"Really?" He asked doubtfully.

"Yes, really." I said, getting annoyed.

"What have you been doing today, anyway?" I asked, snapping my head to look at him.

He shrugs. "Tracking down someone. You wouldn't understand."

I raised a bow. 'Tracking down someone?'

"You mean someone like James?" I wondered. I have heard nothing about him since that time and I am kind of worried about him. Jack really did a number on him and knowing that Jack still has his eyes set on killing him doesn't calm my nerves.

"Why the fuck do you want to know that?" He asked dangerously low.

The air became tense, sucking the last bit of oxygen out of my lungs. I shrunk away, trying to find solace in my teddy bear as I hugged it tightly. "You better answer me while I am asking you nicely." He gritted.

"I was just curious." It came out like a low whisper.

"Bullshit!" He barked. "You must really like him. You even fucking saved him when he almost killed you!"

"Jack I-" I tried to defend myself, but this guy was just raging.

"I am sure that you wanted to fuck that slut like you almost did with that CEO of yours!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the steering wheel.

My eyes widen, and I could feel the color being drained from my face.

'He knows.'

"Y-You know?" I stuttered.

He laughed cynically. "Of course I fucking know, baby! Do you really think that I wouldn't know?" He sneered, gripping tightly at the wheel.

My eyes were quivering in fright. "Then why didn't you bombard me with messages, stopping me like you always did?"

He stepped hard on the brakes, steering to the side. You could hear the tires screeching loudly, crying as if they were on fire, leaving ashy trails behind. Jack parked the car and snapped his head towards me, laying his hard gaze on me, causing me to flinch.

"That doesn't matter. What matters was that I was this close to slicing his neck open." He snarled, making a pinching gesture, leaving no gape between the thumb and index finger.

But that still makes little sense. If he was blazing with anger that much, then there's no way that he wouldn't have messaged me before. It's not like he trusts me, and it's also not like he could control Mr. Moore's actions.

So what is it? Why couldn't he do it? Even when he does other stuff, he never fails to annoy or scare the living crap out of me.

That one time I only hugged James, but he was livid and Mr. Moore was literally eating my neck and he didn't even make a sound.

'What's the difference? Unless…' My eyes went round as realization finally hits me. 'he was there himself?' Jack is a fucking employee at the company! That might explain how he could kill the victims next to him easily, being a professional killer, of course.

But there was no one else in the office, so he must have been standing on the other side of the door. 'The assistant of Mr. Moore, maybe?' I was racking my brains and memories for any colleagues that were suspicious in any other way.

"What did you find out?" Jack's voice boomed through my mind. My eyes meeting his tinted sunglasses.

"Nothing." I said calmly, lying through my teeth.

"What. Did. You. Find. Out. April?" He gritted out.

"I said nothing!" I yelled, trying to keep my voice steady.

He scoffed. "I know your expression, April. That was an expression that said that you've figured something out."

"Now…" he said as he crawled like a feral beast from his seat towards me, his face getting dangerously close to mine. "What did you find out?" He growled.

I clamped my mouth shut, refusing to say anything.

"Say it!" He roared, and I yelped, shutting my eyes close as my body involuntarily trembled.

"W-Will you just calm down already!? It just suddenly made sense, alright!?" I spitted out.

"What did!?" He slammed his fist against the window.

"Well, you just said something that made little sense." I answered carefully, trying to understand his sudden outburst.

"Shit!" He snapped angrily. "I thought that I had planned out everything perfectly." He groaned despondently as he slumped back into his seat.

Okay, what the hell is going on? Why is he reacting like that? Is it such a big deal that I had found out that he was working in the same company as I was? It's not like I know his identity. "I am so confused." I muttered.

"I get that." He said, and pulled on his shawl in pure frustration.

Surprised, I grabbed his arm, stopping him. "What do you think that you're doing?" I asked, looking at him like he had lost his marbles.

"What does it look like?" He answered and continues to yank angrily at his shawl and his hoodie.

"Why the hell are you undressing!?" His actions totally confused me and I kept trying to stop him. "You think I will let you do this knowing that this may lead me to being kidnapped!?" I yelled, pulling on his arms, but he was unfazed and kept going.

He reached for his glasses. "You already know who I am, so what's the big deal?" He asked, confused.

"I don't!" I yelled frantically.

"What?" He said, his disguised voice dropped; but it was already too late. He had already taken off his disguise, and it left me speechless.

My eyes widen and my jaw dropped when I was met with the deep sea blue colored eyes, the onyx black hair that normally was kept well, but was now disheveled from wearing a hoodie and a beanie; pointing in different directions.

I pointed absentmindedly at him, finding it difficult to form a sentence, my lips trembling.

"Mr. Moore!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

His face blanched as the realization had finally sunken in, but the damaged had already been done. "You didn't know?"