
"You really fucking didn't know!?" He slammed his head angrily on the steering wheel. "How could I have been so stupid!?" He groans.

While he was wallowing in shame, I took the chance in a frenzy state of mind to bang at the window, hoping that I could break it and escape.

"Will you stop that?" Mr. Moore groans, his hands clutching tighter at the steering wheel as he rested his forehead against it.

Ignoring him, I kept on profusely hitting the glass.

"Stop that!" He yelled and grabbed my hand.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed and slapped him hard across the face with my other hand. He groans and lets go of my hand. "I deserved that." He chuckles lightly, rubbing his cheek that was now turning red.

Panting from all the slamming and the adrenaline, I glared at him wearily as I stroked my hand that was now stinging from the earlier slap.

"Baby girl." He cooed, reaching out for me, but I recoiled away, finding refuge in my old friend, the corner.

He sighed dejected. "I know that this must be shocking, but-"

"Oh, you think!?" I interjected him angrily and continued trying to break the window, switching from fists to legs.

"You'll hurt yourself!" Mr. Moore yelled, his handsome forehead marred by deep worried lines.

I rolled my eyes. "That's why I am using my other leg. Will you just fuck off already!?" I gritted, frustrated at how there were still no cracks appearing on it, no matter how hard I tried to destroy this see-through barrier. "What is this made of!? Diamonds!?" I exasperated.

"Fuck April, Stop it!" He yelled, his tone hard and surly.

"No, you fucking stop it!" I retorted.

Mr. Moore opened his mouth to say something, just to close it again. He closed his eyes and took in a big breath as he went through his hair with his fingers. "This is going nowhere, April. We have to talk to make some progress." He said.

'Talk? Hell no!' Talking means letting everything sink in and I am not ready for that! I prefer to just go at it like a charging bull, full of rage. But… this is really going nowhere. We had to talk at some point.

My kicking slowly came to a halt, and I slouched back in to the chair, crossing my arms defiantly. "Fine." I grumbled.

He exhales, relieved. "Thank you."

"So who and what are you?" I snarled, my eyes narrowed at him.

"I am Mark Moore. I am a killer and your future husband, but I am also known as Jack, the dude that has been stalking and protecting your ass for the past few weeks." He stated with a full-blown grin.

I snorted. "More like causing havoc in my life." I grumbled lowly. "Also, I refuse to believe that you're Jack." I added, my voice laced in pure denial.

His perfectly arched brows knitted together. "What do you mean, I am not him?" he asked bemused, his broad thick arms crossing over each other as he slightly leaned back; watching me with full expectance in his eyes.

"Well, like I said. There's no way you're him. Jack is a flirtatious, ingenious, annoying creepy dude." I said, listing the points on my fingers.

He rolled his eyes. "Do I have to talk slowly for you to understand? I. Am. Jack." He said slowly, exaggerating his mouth movement. "But you had some nice things to say about Jack, who is also me, so thanks baby." He leaned in closer, the corner of his lips turning up, displaying a smirk.

I blushed brightly and stuttered. "S-Still, that doesn't explain the fact that you were jealous of yourself. Like who the fuck gets jealous of themselves!?" I said doubtfully.

He groans and dragged his hand down his face. "How many times do I need to tell you I am fucking Jack? You gave me this stupid name based on Jack the ripper and I still want to rip off James' head for trying to kill you." He clenches his fist, knuckles turning white at the sheer thought of James.

"Also…" He started with a crooked smile. "Of course I would be jealous. You didn't know that I was him, so you were basically flirting with some other guy." His eyes never wavered from mine, trapping me in place. With his thick, rough fingers, he softly let them trail down my cheek until they reached my lips. "You were such a bad kitten." He growled lowly. His eyes flash with desires as he strokes my lips with his thumb.

My throat went dry; my eyes wide. He chuckled low at my reaction. "I wanted to take my time in courting you and tasting you, but I guess we will have to speed things up." He spoke sensually.

He leaned in closer. His hot minty breath fanning my face, our lips so close that we only had to say something and they would touch.

"April, I really love yo- OUCH!" I could somehow break free from whatever trance he put me in and hit his head with my fist.

"Don't you fucking touch me?" I growled at him in sheer anger. Appalled at him for playing with my feelings and disgusted at myself at how I ever had some feelings for my CEO, this fucking jerk.

I could just hurl. "You better let me go right now or I will make sure you'll regret it." I threatened, raising my fist again.

He kept rubbing his sour spot, pouting his lips at me.

"You really pack a punch, huh?" He said, impressed, wincing when he could feel a bump forming on his head.

I was about to throw another one until he stopped me; waving his hands in front of me defensively. His wobbly smile not leaving his face.

"I get it! I get it! Just give me a second." He said and turned around. Trashing around in the glove compartment, searching for something.

"There it is." He said happily.

And the next thing that I know a clicking sound could be heard followed by a cold metallic feeling around my wrist. Astonished, I glanced down and saw the same thing that police officers likes to carry around a fucking handcuff.

"What the fuck?" My voice went an octave higher as I struggled to free myself. "Are you serious?" I asked, my eyes blazing with anger.

He looked at me like a pet who was playing with a new toy his eyes glisten in amusement at my futile struggle. "Oh, I am dead serious." His lopsided grin only knew how to fuel my anger even more.

"Don't be angry. Look, I even laced it with red fur so that it wouldn't bruise your wrists." He traced with his fingers against the soft crimson material of the cuffs that matched the color of my hair.

"I will kill you." I threatened.

"Before you kill me, isn't there a more pressing matter that needs to be sorted out?" He smirked, unfazed by my threat.

"What else is there to talk about except the fact that I should rip out your hair -OH," Realization and fear of the situation replaced my anger. "I know who you are, so are you…?" I asked, my face blanched.

He nodded, his face stoic as he rumbled for something else in the glove compartment. A few seconds later, a spray bottle made its appearance and Mr. Moore was now wearing a breathing mask.

My eyes widen up in fear. "I-Is that chloroform?" I stammered.

He shook his head. "That trash that they show in movies may knock people out, but the dosage that takes to kill or knock someone out is tiny. I wouldn't use that on you. Sleeping gas will do it for my sleeping beauty." He spoke tentatively, his eyes softening as he looked at me.

"What a gentleman." I croaked sarcastically; tears prickling behind my eyes.

He held up the bottle in front of me, ready to knock me out.

"Y-You don't have to do this Jack-uh, I mean, Mr. Moore. You can just let me go home and everything will be forgotten." I begged, clasping my hands together, staring at him with my watery glazed eyes.


"Please." I begged again. "You can even go back to threatening me. That worked fine, right?"

"No." he said firmly.

I could see the bottle inching forward to me and how his finger slowly pulled down on the trigger.

My body went in to an immediate flight or fight response and I kicked the can out of his hand. "I won't go down without a fight!" I yelled and ducked away from the can that was now flying uncontrollably in the tight, confined space, hitting almost every inch.

Mr. Moore cursed and tried to grab it. I saw this as a chance to make a shotgun for the passenger's seat in an attempt to escape. I pulled at the door handle, but… the door won't open.

'The fuck?'

I kept slamming myself in to the door, my shoulder colliding with it, hoping that the sheer weight of my body would budge it open.

"Why wouldn't it open!?"

I could hear a shallow breathing next to my ear, stilling my movements. "Didn't I say that only my side would open?" He whispers lowly. One of his arms circled around my waist, pulling me on top of his lap.

"It's time for you to sleep now, kitten." He purrs and before I could react anymore, a gust of smoky clouds was sprayed into my face, blocking my sight. I refrained myself from inhaling the deadly gas. My cheeks blowing up like a pufferfish, my nostrils blocking off their entrance letting no particles pass through and my eyes clamped shut.

I tried in a sad attempt to reach for the driver's seat door, but like the snake he was, Mr. Moore snaked his arms around me, caging me in his steel embrace.

"It's okay, baby girl, no need to be scared. I got you." He crooned sweetly in my ear as he was stroking my back attentively with his big hand. His warmth seeping through my back, smashing the last bit of my willpower to hold on.

I moaned and grunted as I could feel my limit approaching me. My face turning scarlet red at the lack of oxygen, my lungs shriveling up. I tried to wiggle myself out of his impeccable hold, scratching him, pinching him, anything that could make him loosen his hold.

"That tickles baby." He chuckled.


I could feel my eyelids feeling heavy, my mind finding it difficult to keep a hold on to reality. My consciousness fading in and out. I couldn't do this anymore. No matter what I do, the result would be the same. I've lost.

A lone tear trickled down my cheek as I threw the towel in the ring, taking a big gulp of drugged air; filling my lungs and entering my bloodstream.

The chemicals worked instantly. Everything got distorted, my limbs felt like heavy weight and the drowsiness clouded my mind.

"That's it baby girl, breath." His whisper sounded like a lullaby and his breathing was rhythmical, bringing me even further from reality.

"I love you, baby girl." His deep, mellow voice was faint. I could feel myself slowly slip away into a deep slumber, everything fading to black.

I gasped, breathing for air as I rose from my deep slumber. My body was drenched in cold sweat as if I woke up from a nightmare. I reached out for my throat; it was parched, making it difficult for me to swallow.

"I'm thirsty." I mumbled, still somewhat drowsy, finding it difficult to grasp the situation. My eyes wandered around and I noticed that no matter where I looked, it was pitch black.

'Is it still night?' I thought until I could feel a soft sensation around my eyes. I slowly traced over it with my fingers, trying to identify the strange object. On the back of my I head I could feel a knot.

"Am I blindfolded?" I questioned myself.

As I slowly became more aware of my surroundings, I could smell a foul scent. With my thumb and index finger, I quickly pinched my nose shut, not wanting to hurl. "Ugh, it smiles like dead roadkill here. Where am I?" I groaned.

Moving my legs, I could feel something soft under my sprained ankle. I'm guessing that it was a pillow; a pillow that was placed by my kidnapper.

"He sure knows how to treat a lady." I grumbled sarcastically.

I tried slowly to maneuver myself in to a crawling position, inching slowly forward, letting my handcuffed hands roam around.

'Knowing Mr. Moore, he may know how long it would take for me to wake up, so I have to make a haste.' I kept roaming around, searching for the exit until I could hear a squelching sound, followed by a wet sensation under the palm of my hands.

"What the fuck…?" I waved my hands around, hoping to get rid of the mysterious liquid.

I could hear a creaking sound of a door, causing me to jolt up in surprise.

"I see that you're awak-SHIT!" His voice boomed. The heavy footsteps of my captor made the floor shake as he was running up to me. He whisked me in his arms, crushing me against his hard-broad chest.

"I should have known that my kitten can't stay in one place. Thank god you didn't take another cute crawl. You almost tainted yourself." He said, relieved, as he wiped my hand clean with some soft fabric.

"It smells like roadkill here." I said, voicing my opinion.

He let out a strangled cough. "Yeah, sorry for that. This was supposed to be a temporally room until I finished preparing the other rooms. Let's get you out of here." I could feel that were moving and from the sound of the closing door I could tell that we were no longer inside that room.

'What was that room?' Is what I wanted to ask, but something in me tells me not to, fearing that the answer may traumatize me forever.

He puts me slowly down so that I can carefully place my feet.

"Stay still, okay?" He commanded.

I was hesitant to comply, thinking that I should just take this chance to clock him out or something, but against better judgment I decided not to and slowly gave a nod.

I could hear him smile and a few seconds later a clattering sound could be heard and my wrists, that had to act like conjoined twins, were finally free.

It confused me to why he suddenly freed my hands.

"Don't move yet." He directed.

I frowned and felt uncomfortable. Why can't I move yet? Is he going to do something to me? Has he finally decided that I wasn't worth keeping and to just kill me?

I could feel a pair of hands grazing my neck. My throat clamped up and I could envision how he would choke me to death, heightening the fear and worry.

Wanting to stay alive for even a second, I went against his order and ran away. "You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled and thought that I was finally safe, but that feeling of assurance was short-lived when my face made a sudden impact with the hard-concrete wall. Falling hard backwards on my butt, I let out some thin sharp air through the slit of my teeth, hissing from the pain as I was clutching on my nose who had suffered the most damage.

My captor's guffaws could be heard loud and clear, and even though his laughter send some unexplainable tingles throughout my body, I couldn't help but grumble angrily.

"I only wanted… to remove the blindfold." He said between stifles, trying hard to repress his laughter as I could feel him untying the knot. The moment the blindfold was removed, my eyes were squinted, and they had to blink a few times to get adjusted to the brightly lit up room they were exposed to.

Slowly, I turned around to meet my stalker's face. His eyes brimmed with tears from his hysterical laughter the corner of his eyes were crinkled up and his smile broke out in an even wider one, exposing the cute dimples that I never had noticed before.

"Good morning beautiful."