Escape Part 1

The unfamiliar feeling of soft fabric beneath me forced me to open my heavy crusty eyelids. With a hazy mind, my eyes darted around in the dark void, trying to identify their surroundings. "Where am I?" I wondered, using my croaky voice.

With quivering, lethargic arms, I propped myself up in a kneeling position. I rubbed my eyes, trying to rub the sleepiness away, and took another look around the room. The clear lack of windows brought me back to reality, and I flopped back down on the bed with a groan, hiding my face away in the pillow.

"Life sucks so bad." I mumbled lowly. The homesickness finally got to me and my eyes welled up. I miss home. I miss my stupid best friends. I even miss being their third wheel. Heck, I even miss my awful workplace. I just want to go back there…

With a muffled voice, not wanting to wake up my captor, I began to sob on the pillow, letting my feelings go. I felt a pair of muscular arms fold around my waist, pulling me into a warm embrace; my back leaning into something solid.

"Ssht." A husky croaky voice hushed me calmly as I could feel a hand petting my head softly. "Don't cry baby."

My tear coated eyes widen in fright and I ripped myself free from the embrace, scrambling backwards to the edge of the bed with a scream.

The figure in the dark groaned and turned on the lamp that was on the nightstand; illuminating the room. "This is not how I envisioned waking up with you." Mark grumbled lowly as he propped himself against the bed's headboard. His eyes slightly squinted, trying to adjust themselves against the sudden brightness of the lamp.

My eyes broadens even more as they set their sight on the uncovered upper body of Mark with the blanket just covering above his crotch area; making me wonder if he even had shorts on.

With a flushed face, I pointed with a trembling finger at him. "Why are you here!?"

He scoffed and scratched his already disheveled hair. "Do you really think that I would pass the chance to cuddle with my baby and to just sleep alone on the hard couch? yeah right." He answered and yawned big, revealing his uvula.

I glowered at him, my face still heated. "A-Are you naked?"

He grins and wiggled his brows at me teasingly while pulling the blanket up slightly. "Do you want to see it?"

I inched even further towards the edge of the bed, pulling my knees to my chest as I glared at him with a wary expression.

He sighed. "Calm your cute tits down. I am wearing a damn short." and threw the blanket off him, revealing the blue boxer shorts that were hidden beneath it.

I exhaled, relieved, feeling the tension leaving my body. Mark swung his legs and got out of the bed, stretching his arms up until the muscles on his back became more prominent than ever. I could hear the popping sounds that were released as he moved his neck around. "I haven't slept this well in ages." He lets out a satisfied grunt. "Normally I would be at home and watch you from my devices so I don't really sleep."

"Right…" I drawled uncomfortably as I shifted my eyes away from his body. I really wonder why God couldn't turn me in to something gorgeous. Even with his hair disheveled and his stubble beard present, he still somehow remains so handsome and his sleepy voice just causes my heart to thump and butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

Mark chuckled softly, his eyes turning in the shape of moon crests. "You were so apprehensive about me being naked, but the hunger in your eyes says otherwise. Maybe I should walk like this around the house forever?" He said seductively.

The blood pooled in my cheeks, and my lips were like of a fish gasping for air. "Can you just wear some clothes?"

"But I am already wearing something." He pointed at the piece of cloth that was covering his member.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed and waltzed to the door. "Then I will just leave." I announced.

Mark grabbed me by the arm and turned me around, wrapping his arms around me, having my face now buried in his bare pecs. "What-!"

"Why were you crying?" He asked, the playfulness stripped away from his voice.

Flustered, my eyelashes fluttered. "W-What?"

"You were crying just now. Why was that?"

The somber feeling downed back on me. My arms were limp at my side and I slumped further in to his embrace; needing the warmth that he gave off to soothe my aching heart. "Why else do you think?" I questioned.

"You want to go home." He stated through gritted teeth. His arms tightened around me, squashing me. I patted his arm urgently, feeling my airway being cut off. "I-I c-can't breathe." I choked out.

Flustered, he loosens his hold on me but still doesn't let me go. "Oh, sorry. Old habits die hard."

I looked at him with a frightful expression.

'What does he mean by that!?' How many people have he crushed to death so far!?

He smiled and leaned slightly down to give a chaste kiss on my forehead. "I'm sure that you're hungry right now. I'll get dressed and start preparing breakfast. You can sleep some more." He strokes my head lovingly and left.

I was standing there flabbergasted, staring at the door where he just left through. The heat that was left of his lips spread, warming up my face. I slowly placed my hand on my forehead, still stunned.

"What was that?"

I blinked my eyes profusely, not sure if I just heard him correctly.

"What?" My voice was laced with confusion and slight hope. We were sitting at the dining table with me wearing the same clothes from yesterday, and Mark was now wearing a suit.

"I'll leave for work soon." He announced again in between his bite.

I stopped downing down my toast after hearing what he said.

"What? Why?" I asked, surprised, but couldn't hide away the elated feeling of him finally leaving.

His brows came together, and he glared at me. "You could at least try to not look so pleased." He pouted.

"Sorry." I said, grinning from ear to ear.

He grumbled and took another bite of his toast. "People will get suspicious if they notice your absence, so I have to go to work to avoid any suspicion directed at me." He explained.

"It may help if you also take me to work?" I hinted, eyeing at him hopefully.

"Not going to happen kitten." He said firmly.

"Great…" I mumbled and lost my appetite, immediately pushing the plate away from me.

Mark had already finished gulping down his food and cleared the table; bringing the dishes to the sink.

"Do you want me to buy something for you?" He asked.

"A door that leads to the outside world would be nice."


"Then give me a damn WIFI."

"No." He refused again. "Do you want something else? Like food maybe?" He tried again.

"A cake with a bomb inside to blow this prison up."

"Okay." He started, ignoring my last request. "I'll leave for work now."

'Huh?' Is he not going to drug me or something? Is he going to show me the exit?

Mark smirked seeing my expression and stalked towards me. "But of course we can't have you seeing the door, can we?" He reached for something in his pocket and pulled it out.

My expression turned grave, and I stepped backwards cautiously, scowling at him. "Are you going to drug me again?" I asked in a wobbly voice.

He shook his head and revealed a blindfold. "Drugging you all the time is not healthy, so I am going to put on the blindfold on you and you're going to sing the opening of SpongeBob loudly. If I don't hear you sing loudly or the blindfold is removed then-"

"You're going to kill off every living being that I hold dear." I bobbed my head in understanding as I finished his sentence.

He grinned. "You know me so well~,"

He wrapped the silky fabric around my eyes, robbing me of my sight. "Start singing." He ordered, his tone low as he whispered in my ear.

With a loud voice I sang the verses of SpongeBob, not caring if I sounded tone deaf. Why did I even had to sing this? Any shuffling sounds that may had been created by Mark were muffled away by my voice, making it difficult for me to hear where the door could be even if I perk my ears wide open.

Finishing the song, I was hesitant to remove the blindfold, but I still untied the knot.

I glanced around and Mark wasn't there. "Hello? Mark? Are you really gone?" I called out, but the answer that I received was a pin-drop silence.

I waltzed around the house, peering in to every room. No sign of my captor to be seen. He really went to work.

"Yes!" I celebrated with a fist bump and raced towards the bedroom. I grabbed the teddy bear and practically ripped the cellphone out of it together with some fluffy content in a haste. The next few hours I spend waltzing, running and jumping around the house searching for reception, but albeit the only thing that came out of this was the shortness of my breath.

Huffing and puffing from the lack of oxygen, I stared helplessly at the phone screen, where there was not even one bar present. "Why isn't this working!?" I yelled, throwing the phone on the couch as I ruffle my hair in frustration.

Pacing left and right, I gnashed at my fingernails, my brows knitted together. "I don't have much time left before he comes back." I groaned.

I stopped mid-step and let my eyes roam around the room. There is a door that leads to freedom. Mark has proven that already. It's just really well hidden away.

"Perhaps some type of button is hidden in the wall?" I mumbled thoughtfully and placed the palms of my hands on the cold white dyed wall of the living area. I let my hands drift over the walls, moving inch by inch, not missing one spot. Like that, I went over the entire house again.

I was now in the in the bathroom on my knees, pressing down every bathroom tile.

"Come on… come on." I said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly rumbling sounds followed by a thud was heard from the other room. I froze on spot and carefully turned around. "Mark?" I called out, the turbulence in my voice present; but I received no answer, feeling the urgency well up in me.

I rose from the cold damp floor and slowly inched forward to the door. With trembling hands, I reached for the door handle. Together with the ear deafening sound of my hammering heart, I anxiously opened the door.

My eyes broaden in fear, and I took a trembling step back. My mouth felt parched and my lips were quivering. At eye-level I was met with a muzzle. The person who held me at gunpoint wore a black shirt and pants. His arm was in a blue cast, resting in an arm sling. His normal tan, golden skin was now covered in blue and purple bruises. With a vindictive grin, his brazen forest green eyes met mine.

"Hi sugar plumps."

I let out a shuddering breath that I didn't know that I had.
